Chapter 1: You did it you crazy son of a b*tch, you did it...

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 Welcome to the Battle Royale of Memes.

Yes, we're doing this, a person gave me an idea... here's the prologue.


Duolingo, the harshest meme of them all, causing reign to this world to capture it's prey for those who wish to stop their lessons once and for all. This beast of a bird, a chunky physical look, with a harsh and unfair behavior, will be stopped by a single man who can match the aesthetics of the terrorizing villain. Stephen. A man with no mercy, he will take his knife and stand with glory and self pride that he gave himself, it's still a mystery on how he can inflate his ego with such behavior inside Danplan, but outside he's a t-

"Wait, you're a teacher?" Dan twitched his brows as he quirked his eyes and clenching them together. 

"What?" Stephen scrunched his nose and quivered his brows as he spluttered.

"What do you mean? You suddenly blurt out you taught children!" Daniel tried not to burst out laughing as he put down his headset, a small thud echoing over the discord call.

"W-well yeah.. but what does that mean to you?!" Stephen had low growl stalking over his stuttered sentence as he intensely clicked his mouse trying to kill a monster on Dota.

"Well, the irony..." Daniel paused after his sentence and burst out laughing as he practically fell over in his chair and scrunched up his hoodie strings, pulling them out as the hoodie closed over his face, muffling the laughter coming from Daniel.

"Shut up Daniel!" Stephen growled as he defeated the monster and paused the game in anger over Daniel. 

"Fine, fine, the recoil tomorrow is going to get us so much fanart with you in glasses, I'm going to bed, it's 4:20 am and I'm pretty tired." Daniel said as he ended the call and started to type in chat with Stephen.

Daniel: Let's brainstorm with Hosuh tomorrow, bye.

Stephen: Kay, bye.

Stephen hunched over and then stretched his back as he logged off of Dota and turned off his PC, he was sitting in silence as the soft zipping and low noises suddenly shut off. 

As he got up, he looked outside of his glistening blinds from the illuminating moon, the pitch black blanket that used to be a bright, blue sky looked soulless, few stars strewn around night sky. Stephen closed the blinds and sluggishly dressed for bed. Once the soft covers covered Stephen's body, he blacked out instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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