About Doctors

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Sometimes believers ask if they should go to the doctor. This obviously has to do with faith and healing. Some have a misconception that going to doctors is a sign of unbelief. Where is that in the Bible? All healing begins and ends with God. It is ultimately His decision as to how people are healed. He does use a variety of ways, which are too many to make mention. Nonetheless, one example is the human body itself. God designed it in such a way that it can actually heal and regenerate itself in many instances, without any outside aid, including prayer. Lets get back to doctors.

Who gave doctors the creativity to do the things they do? Who enabled them to discover technological innovations, surgical methods and medicines to help humanity? Who gave them the insight as to how the human body functions? One could say that through years of study, humanity discovered these things. All right, who gave humanity the idea to even make such studies? God provided various plants, which includes herbs that are used for our wellbeing. The desire to heal comes from God our Healer. As it is written, “So God created man in His own Image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27, KJV).

Where is a person to go who has never heard the Gospel, which includes healing as part of its message? Remember our Father is kind and merciful to unbelievers as well as believers, (see Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 6:27-36). One of the ways He extends mercy is through doctors. In His kindness, He provided a means by which people can find healing and relief, even in their ignorance. His kindness does lead to repentance (see Romans 2:4). There are Christians who do not walk in the fullness of the power of God available to them. In fact, a segment does not fully believe that healing is available for us today. Even in those cases, God extended mercy through doctors. Lets get honest. There are a great many Christians who are not walking according to the will of God. Therefore, signs and wonders are not following them. Part of the reason is that they do not believe the Word. Remember, signs and wonders confirm His Word.

Does that mean we should go to doctors in lieu of God? No, it means believers should go to God first. Let Him decide the course of action. Jesus healed the sick because He obeyed the Father. He did not simply start praying on people and casting out demons. He did what He saw the Father do and said what He heard the Father say. The Holy Spirit led him and so should we allow Him to lead us. We cannot be formulaic in our approach. We see in Scripture that Jesus said and did a variety of things in relation to healing. Sometimes, He merely spoke a word, sometimes He touched people and sometimes people touched Him. Jesus even used spit and mud to give sight to a blind man. Whatever the Father said, He obeyed. We should do likewise.

Sometimes going to the doctor is an act of faith. For example, a woman once said that she felt like the Lord told her to go see a doctor. She went on to say that she was going to walk by faith and not go. Someone told the woman that if she did not go, it would be rebellion, and not faith. She had a misunderstanding about faith. Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (KJV). In order for something to be of faith, hearing must come first. Praying for the sick operates the same way.

Keep in mind that Jesus taught us to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” That means our prayers should be in agreement with the Father. Sometimes people take it upon themselves to pray for someone without the leading of the Holy Spirit. Often, the results are not pretty. One of the quickest ways to doubt the Bible is trying to do things on your own. Obedience brings results; presumption never does. The Bible confirms praying on the sick is correct, but we still need to be led by the Holy Spirit.

The bottom line is that we have to trust God in all circumstances. Ironically, some avoid doctors because they are afraid they might be walking in unbelief. Is that faith? There are a myriad of reasons God may have a person go to a doctor. If nothing else, it may be to document a physical ailment before He heals it supernaturally; thus, attesting to its legitimacy for a higher purpose. However the Lord decides to do things, we have to leave the process to Him. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth (KJV). He does want your soul to prosper and be in health as well, it is not just about your physical wellbeing. That also means He has a purpose behind everything (see Romans 8:28). We cannot afford to put Him in a box. He will not reside there anyway. We must be careful about our absolutes.


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