Chapter 3

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Yusei's POV
"Yusei!" Someone shouted.
I lifted my head up to see Crow and..............................................Kalin Kessler.
"Are you Okay, Yusei?" Crow asked.
I nod my head and lay back down on Jack. He chuckles and lays his head on mine.
I love him so much, but how do I tell him?
"Oh! By the way me and Kalin are dating, have been for 3 weeks now." Crow said.
Jack lifts his head and I lift mine.
"Congrats." Jack said dully.
I whack him,I giggled when he fell off the couch, and smile at Crow.
"I'm happy for you, Crow. Kalin, hurt him in any way and you are dead." I said to them.
Kalin gulps and nods his head, Crow giggles and points to Jack and then back at me. I blush and shake my head no. Crow shrugs and heads to the kitchen. I get up and go into the kitchen as well.
"Hey, Crow."
He hummed as he fixed 4 cups of hot coffee.
"I need your help on something."
"What is it you need help with Yusei?" He turned around and asked.
"I love Jack, but I don't know how to tell him." I told Crow as he set down 2 cups of the coffee.
"Sit down and I'll be right back so we can talk about this, okay?"
I nod my head and smiled a small smile. He left and I went to sit down and sip on the coffee.
A minute later and Crow comes in......with Akiza.
"Crow told me, and can I just say I think you two would be perfect for each other." She said as Crow made 1 more cup of coffee.
"Thanks, that's means a lot to me." I said as she sat next to me.
"Your welcome. So... when did the feelings start?" She asked as Crow joined us.
"9 years ago." I replied trying to hide myself.
They were quiet for a few minutes and then,
"WHAT!" They shouted.
I quickly tried to hush them,but Jack ran in with Kalin in tow.
"Is everyone okay?" Jack asked. 
"Yes Jack, we're fine, "I said, " now go back with Kalin into the living room, so we can talk privately."
Jack pouts but goes anyway. Kalin follows as I sigh and send a glare to Akiza and Crow.
"Sorry, but how can you not have confessed to him already?" Akiza asked.
"Well at the time me, Kalin, Crow, and Jack were ridding Satellite Of bad duelist's, then Jack stole the duel runner and Stardust dragon, I had the duel with him and got sent to prison, then after I escaped I meet Luna and Leo, then you at the duel tournament, and finally the  signers came and we had to fight them, so yeah I've been full of opportunities." I snapped at her.
"Sorry, But I have one question." She said.
I sighed and pinched the bridges of my nose.
"What is it?"
"Were you and Jack in contact with each other after he stole the duel runner and Stardust?"
I started to tear up.
"No,  it even when I got sent to prison where I was...was..."
I started remembering and sobbing. I heard the chairs scratch against the floor boards, then I felt arms engulf me in a hug.
"It's okay Yusei, all of us are gonna protect you and keep you safe, I promise." Akiza whispered.
I clung onto them as I sobbed.
"Who did that to you Yusei?" Crow asked.
"G-Goodw-win." I managed to say somehow.

Cliffhanger! Anyways, I'm back and I'm not sick anymore (I had a small cold)! I thought I would try and update all my stories today, but I'll probably be able to do 1 more, and that will be my Bleach fanfic, since I've already updated My Hero, and this one.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed and I can't wait to see the theories on what happened to Yusei with Goodwin. Bye guys and have a good day or night. Remember your beautiful/handsome just the way you are and can love whoever you want to.

(The 666 word was guys 😂)

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