The Last Coven

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That is all that could be heard through the streets of Edinburgh, every so often you will hear the scuttling of mice and rats across the pavement or the cough of a homeless person sitting in the corner of a dark ally but not a sound can be heard from the towns folk, no pub brawls or domestic arguing. Just Silence.

The only sound that can be heard comes from a small Inn located not far from the castle which is located at the very top of the hill overlooking its city. There is a bustling of noise and chatter coming from inside and as you peer into the window you see only men. No women... This meeting that is taking place marks what will now be remembered as "The Great Witch Hunt of 1661-1662".

You see, In the past month alone their has been more than 14 deaths of which the recent happened only 2 nights previous. A young boy of 16 was found outside the city walls stripped bare of his clothes and branded with strange symbols on this chest and legs. There is no indication as to how he died, only the marks on his body.

An older gentleman of around 50years who works in the Inn shouts "Hunt Them Down", burn them to the ground! Yes, but how do we know who or where they are says Darren Meldrum. (The citys best blacksmith). We patrol the city streets, day and night! Shouts Alistair Donnach, the cities chief of the guard.

And what are you looking for says Darren, a broom? a black cat? You wont find them in a hundred years. We search every house, burn every book with a hint to magic, If a women is found to have books on magic in her possession she WILL be put on trial for witchcraft, that is how we will find them said Alistair.

And so it was done, the Hunt officially began that evening with a pact made. The Chief of the city guard and men within the city all agreed to hunt down any women who they thought was a witch,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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