Organ trafficking Case closed

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Raju and Smrithi reached Nayana's office to inquire about Nayana. They meets journalist Pradeep, Mr.Pradeep I have been trying to contact Nayana but her phone is not reachable, do you have any idea where she is? Smrithi asked. Pradeep replies, I had been informed by Nayana that she would be going to Mumbai for investigation about organ trafficking, even I tried to contact her but phone is not reachable, I sent email and waiting for reply, I'll let you know if there is any news about Nayana. Raju and Smrithi comes back to home, though Smrithi knows about Nayana, she would be worrying a lot, Raju feels bad seeing Smrithi worrying about Nayana. Raju would have a friend working in telecom office, with his help gets call history of Nayana. 2 days back there would be 20 outgoing calls to one mobile number, that mobile number owner name is Vinay, Raju contacts Vinay and asks about Nayana. Vinay explains everything and says Nayana is safe she is at mumbai with him. Raju travels to mumbai and meets Nayana and gives a memory card which he found in flat, that memory card had all information about organ trafficking which was collected by Raju's friend Arun. Nayana says thanks Raju,  after coming to mumbai I came to know that Mr. Chakravarthy Patel is behind all this organ trafficking who is chairman of New Health group of hospitals, he was running this business with help of gangster  Khalid, with these evidence it is very easy to send him to jail. Next day Nayana and Raju comes back to bangalore, Smrithi says after seeing Nayana, I was so scared thinking that something might have happened to you. People in the world knows what's going wrong with society, they talk and forget but journalism aim is to create a safe society. There is difference in 'I' and 'We', A greatest feeling in the world is you being the reason for someone else's smile and my job made that possible, says Nayana. I'm so happy you are back, I cleared IAS exam and got confirmation letter to join as collector for bangalore urban region, Smrithi says to Nayana. Next day Nayana submits all evidence to inspector Bhushan, police arrested Mr. Chakravarthy and Khalid since they got all evidence about organ trafficking crime. Nayana gets best journalist of the year award , Smrithi takes a role as collector. Smrithi and Nayana plans a party at Mothi mahal to celebrate their happiness with friends and family. 

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