Nothing can stop a true love// Tal Fishman

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For the last couple of months I've been living in a dorm with a youtuber, Tal Fishman. He has been the most annoying human being in the whole  universe, but still managed to get to my heart so easily... and here's why....

But let me start from the very beginning...

few months earlier

"And this is your dorm Olivia Grinch and Tal Fishman" said some lady that showed us all around "the rules that I mentioned earlier must  be followed and let me hear them again! All in sync!"

So then we sang the rules " First of the rules goes don't be loud here's a crowd, second one always clean and don't be mean, third in a row show some love don't 'cum and go', fourth of the rules don't bring a stranger or you'll be in danger then goes the fifth rule last but not the least don't be a beast, no sexual interaction between the rooms be careful don't get STD's"

The, so called, song was ridiculous! We got into our dorms and started unpacking. It was a small yet spacy room. "So, I'm in a dorm with daughter of evil Grinch haha! No Christmas for me" said a man behind me and I just ignored the comment and turned around. It's was Tal of course, a guy with a camera 24/7.

"If you film me a little more then yourself maybe you'd even be popular a bit on there" I said with clear arrogance in my voice. "May be so" he said turning the camera on and shifting it so it faces me. Wow. "This is my roommate and soon to be bedmate" he said with a wink. I looked at him sooooooo confused, but spilled out " remember the rules song" with a grin, but all he did was shrug and said "there is no such thing that stops real love" he winked again. I got sick of him and went to the bathroom to lay down all my hygiene stuff. 

Days went by him flirting more then ever and it got on my nerves. I had a crush on a boy that was giving me clear signs that he's not interested and Tal was here for me when I cried, but the day after he would act like nothing happened and would be a jerk AND flirt way more than before. 

After months he stopped and was beginning to be very distant with no explanation and I've never missed him more. He went out in the morning and got to the room very late and it was his daily routine. I was getting worried and realized I had feelings fr him for a long time. I got sick of him doing this so I followed him one day and what I found out was....cute, but freaking weird.

He was at the tree house building something and after an hour of me just looking at the house I decided to get up there and spy a bit. On my luck he was asleep and was humming the rules song, but adding something I couldn't hear very clearly. I got in and saw a camera recording and him building some kind of statue of.... us? I stopped the recording and went to see what he's been up to.

"Hi guys.. so you met Olivia, the arrogant girl I'm sharing the dorm with yesssssssssss. So, I am madly in love with her and she's after some dude that's sooo wrong for her and I will make her see that! I will show her my love by making a statue and filming all of it and hopefully she accepts to be my girlfriend...let's get into it" he has been recording everything and every now and then he would sing "oh I love you I love you I love I love I love Olivia..." I shred a tear down my face and once  I moved the camera I saw him awake and looking at me.

"That was meant to be a surprise" he said with a raspy voice. "I love you too" I smiled and hugged him so tight he was choking, but hugged back. I then moved away and kissed him and we were like that for some time until we heard a 'khm' behind us..

"Good morning Mrs. Laudwick" it was the lady that showed us around when we came.

"Rule-" she started and got interrupted " LET  THE KIDS HAVE FUN FOR CHRIST'S SAKE" it was a male voice and she just left being all salty, but after all she really didn't stop true love...and nothing will.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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