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Jamars POV: We needed up going to the hospital first to collect evidence. Entering the place I am hit with the immediate smell of antiseptic. I hate hospitals. They always smell so clean! Getting to the desk the sheriff asks the lady to see someone. The lady nods and takes us to a room. She hands me a gown. " Please strip all the way and put on this gown. He will be in shortly." My mother leaves so I can change. Taking off my shirt and pants. I go to grab the gown but find my reflection instead. God. Look at me. Bruises on my back, neck, pretty much everywhere. The only spot is my forehead. Sighing I take off my boxers and slip the gown on. Some one knocks on the door. " May I come in Jamar?" Its a male voice. I thought my nurse was female. "Come  in?" I turn around to see this tall male. He looks to be in his 20's. " Hi Jamar my name is Dr. James I will be checking you out today." Oh so he's my doctor!   " I am going to check your bruises, making sure nothing is broken underneath." He has me lay on the bed. He moves closer to me. With gentle hands, he starts to feel around my ribs. I flinch. He mumbles a sorry. " Well I am glad to report no broken ribs. But you may have a fracture. Now I am going to look at the cuts and bruises." I zone out during this process. My father did this. What is my school going to think when I go back? My teachers? I HAD A PROJECT DUE! Am I going to be bullied? Am I going to be on bed rest? I get pulled from my thoughts by a hand snapping in front of me. " Jamar you ok? You zoned out. I was going to start testing. They may feel weird. " I nod telling him I understand. 

~ Timeskip~

After James took samples from what happened with my father. He requested that I stay home and let the bruises heal. " I will send your prescription to the pharmacy and your mother can pick it up. When you leave can you send in the sheriff?" I nod and he leaves the room. I change and head for my mother. Her and the sheriff where at the cafe getting food. " Sheriff the doctor wants to see you." She nods and goes looking for him. 

My mother hands me a bag in the car. I ask what it is. I look in the bag and I see a mug that says " warrior not worrier" It makes me laugh. When we are home I go upstairs to change clothing. I put on a hoodie and some sweatpants.  I look at the bag my doctor handed me. It was my original clothing. I throw the bag in the trash bag. Looking around my room i remember I was packing for the dorm. My mother yells for me to come downstairs.

Heading downstairs I am greeted by two men. Looking at my mother she explains that one of them is the lawyer and the other is here to take your statement since we did not go to the police station. " We would like you to explain what happened everything. The days you told your father your gay, to where he came home and raped you." I flinch. I was raped, its still hard to accept. Agreeing I start to explain. 

A few hours later the lawyer explains what's going to happen and how I am going to have to testify. He also explains what's going to happen to my father. " He is going to be in a holding cell until the court date. He can't get to you, he will have a guard so he can't escape." They excuse themselves and leave.  My mother looks at me and sighs. " Look they want you to go to counseling to make sure your ok." nodding I leave the room and head towards my room.  

Entering my mostly packed room, I look for my laptop. finding it on my messy desk I grab it and flop on my bed. ouch. injured, can't do that right now.  Looking at my bruises I cringe. " Fucking father. I need to distract myself. Lets see whats on YouTube." A video about cats being scared, texting story, nothing good! Oh what's this?  I see a video that was posted a couple minutes ago. The singer MAC is here at.." Who is MAC?" I click on the video and I am greeted with a roaring crowd. I see an average white man walk on stage. He turns from looking at his band. He has blonde hair thats peaking out from his hat. His blue eyes sweep over the crowd. Smiling he walks up to the microphone. Welcome to this venue! I am really excited to be here! As you can see I have my band with me so no acoustic. But if you want to see that place come to the bubbly cafe were I preform Mondays,Wednesdays, and Friday's. So please enjoy this show!

The band starts to play and I am immediately am captivated. A few minutes later the set ends and the crowd goes wild. In the video crowd I see a tip jar that says bubbly cafe. I search for the Bubbly Cafe. " No way its only 6 minutes away from my house!" I need to see if this song is on spotify! Surprisingly it is! I add it to my playlist. I plug my head phones in and listen to the song while doing my missing homework. 

Jason's POV: 

Walking in to the company I am greeted with Emily running up to me. " Jason look!" She shoves a tablet in front of me. I see a video of the venue that I did last. The headline reads 3k in seven hours! How will the Shawbon company do next. " The boss wants to see you." I walk up the stairs going on to my floor.  Everyone is staring at me. I walk in to the bosses office and he looks at me. " congrats you upgraded from Coffee boy to a performer, Your photo shoot is in an hour i sent your new schedule to Emily. have fun and don't screw this up. The company depends on this." He shoves me out of the room. Emily leads me downstairs and we are surrounded. We run to the car. 

" What the hell Emily!?" She's panting and clutching her papers. " I guess they found out where you work." We arrive at the studio. The crowd is worse here! How do they keep finding us. Emily looks at me ans sighs. She asks the driver to move to the back of the building. He complies and we head to the back. 

Finally entering the building we are ushered upstairs. " MAC you were almost late. Your first outfit is ready for you in the dressing room. Please change and meet us in the meeting room." I enter my dressing room and am surprised by what I see.

The Singer, The Abused, The LovedWhere stories live. Discover now