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*(Chrisham My Neighbor's Wife)*




*Author George Haman*

*MOBILE: 0798952111*

*EMAIL: authorhaman@gmail.com*

(🔞This story Contains Adult Content (AC), Strong Graphic Language (SGL) which might be disturbing to minors and in some parts Graphic Violence (GV). Reader's discretion is advised. Suitable for persons 18 years and above.🔞)


"Then I will show you how responsible I get when someone tries to take away my treasure." I said as I plugged out the drip from my hand and got out of bed.

When the nurse left, I knew things might go south and I get played in my own game so I came up with plan B. I took my phone and opened the audio recorder; I was recording everything that was happening.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked as he stood on my way.

"I already called my lawyers and an ambulance to transfer Christine to another hospital, I will be seeing you in court." I replied.

"Am sorry but you are not going anywhere." Max said.

"Am I under arrest? Because if am not, I have the right to choose where I get treated and where my family gets treated and you stopping me is a violation of my rights." I replied taking my phone from the table.

"Well, nobody will ever know that we violated your rights since we are only the three of us in here and I will say that you lost your mind and began attacking us... Nurse sedate him, we cannot risk this man ruining the good name of this hospital." Max said as he looked at the nurse then grabbed me.

I expected he would do that so I had set the audio recorded ready to send the recording to my lawyer in case I clicked the send button. Immediately Max grabbed me, I hit send then began laughing

"What's so funny?" He asked sounding confused.

"Congratulations Sir Max, you just lost your job; so will you if you dare sedate me." I said looking at the nurse.

They had no idea what I meant, max thought I was bluffing and decided to go on with his plan. Since the nurse had frozen after I had told her if she sedated me she would lose her job, Max grabbed the syringe with the sedation and stuck it into my skin at my left shoulder.

"Before you ruin your career and the entire hospital, first listen to this." I said before he could inject the sedation and I played the recorded audio.

"Well, if the phone disappears, all evidence is gone, we cannot allow one man to end our so long earned esteem." He replied after the audio was over.

"You think am a dumb ass like you?" Already my lawyer has a copy and if anything happens to me, I guess we both know what shall happen next." I said.

"Am sorry Haman but I have to do this for a better tomorrow for this hospital.." He said then pushed the syringe to force the sedation into my body.

I swiftly pushed him away before the sedation got into my body making the needle of the syringe to break inside my body then to my surprise, the nurse grabbed a metallic tray beside her and hit Max hard on the head; he passed out.

"Is this the kind of man you work for?" I asked the nurse who was now standing shocked beside Max.

"I thought he was a good guy, all along he has been nice to people!" She said in whispers.

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