"Something changed"

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It was morning and winter as Emilia stood at the bus station and rubbered her hands to keep herself warm,she waited for a bus to drive back to her hotel,today was a party with her best friend Kit and his girlfriend Rose,before she will go there she wants to take a shower and relaxe a bit.She thought a lot and didnt notice that Kit came from the behind and hugged her and rubbered her shoulders and arms to keep her warm"What are you doing here outside,alone?"She turned around and hugged him close,she didn't know why but she loves his hugs more than anything,she loves everything at him and feel so save in his arms"I was in the city and wait for a bus to come back to the hotel for the party today"Kit smiled and took her hand what turned her stomach complete "Why didn't you say anything?come I will bring you there...and a woman like you shouldn't be alone with too many men" he smiled at her and she laughed what makes him happy he loves her laugh and never wanted to hear anything else.
So they went into his car and drove to the hotel,he has his room a few rooms next to her,he stopped in front of her room"So my Queen"he smiled at her,she laughed and smiled "Oh very nice thank you my lord" both of them laughed and she hugged him and went in her room but didn't noticed that Kit didn't leave and just looked at the door and looked down.
Emilia went to the shower,took off her clothes and went in the shower,she thought a lot...about Kit and what happened between them...she was sure...SOMETHING CHANGED
As she came back to the bedroom only with a towel around her body she almost screamed as she saw Kit sit on her bed "Kit?" He looked up"Emilia...can we talk?" She looked around "umm yes sure but can I take on clothes first?"she smiled a bit.He smiled and nodded.As she was ready she sit next to him"So?" He looked at her"Emilia...i don't know how to say it but...something changed...between us..." Emilia looked a bit nervous she knows it too she thinks so too "Kit I....you have a girlfriend I mean...."Kit looked down"Yes yes sure you are right sorry sorry umm I should go...see you soon..."he stood up and left.Emilia took a deep breath "Kit no...I didn't..." but he was already away.

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