Chapter 10 - Date #1

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By the time Kol arrived at your door at ten minutes after six, you had dressed in your favorite jeans and a flowy top. You'd freshened up your hair and makeup before sliding some cash and your ID into a pocket. You had no idea what the vampire had planned but hopefully you'd pass inspection.

You took a deep breath then opened the door with a smile. Kol stood on your porch grinning and let his gaze run over you. "Hello, darling. You look lovely." He turned and offered you his arm. "Shall we?"

You closed and locked the door behind you before taking the offered arm. "So, what is on the agenda for this evening if I might ask?"

He hummed. "How do you feel about clowns?"

It didn't take you long to discover that your date with Kol was taking place at a carnival. As soon as you caught sight of the lights, you'd started to grin. You squeezed his arm a little tighter. "I haven't been to a carnival in ages."

"That makes two of us. What would you like to do first?"

Your eyes ran around taking in the booths full of food and games before moving onto the rides. There were so many choices. Your stomach let out a little growl making the decision for you.

Kol laughed. "Food it is. It seems we have a variety of fried foods, foods on sticks and fried foods on sticks. What will it be?"

"Fried food on a stick please." You pointed to a nearby booth that sold corndogs and funnel cakes.

He gave you a little bow before steering you to a table where you could wait for him. "As the lady wishes."

When Kol returned with your food, he took the seat across from you and watched while you ate.


He rested his chin in his hand and grinned. "I'm just astonished that you're mine. You are rather breathtaking."

You huffed a laugh. "I guess it's a good thing you don't need to breathe then."

He laughed and reached out to take your free hand in his. His thumb ran over your knuckles.

"Are you happy? Even though you have to share me?" The question came out softer than you'd intended, but he heard you just the same.

His head tilted as he looked you over. "Did you know that the fae were cursed several centuries ago?"

You shook your head as you pushed your trash to the side to be disposed of later. Kol turned your hand over and traced the lines with one finger.

"There was a witch. A pretty thing by all accounts. Apparently, she was blissfully happy with her fae lover. But when she wished to wed him, he refused. He would only marry another fae."

A shudder ran up your spine and Kol glanced up in surprise. "Sorry. I just have an idea where this is going."

He nodded and turned his attention back to your palm. "She brewed a curse to ensure her lover's line would continue with no one but her. And that his soulmate would never be true to him. Her rage and heartbreak made the spell far more powerful than she had intended and it affected not only her lover but all of the fae. It is believed that nature twisted the effects to keep the fae from dying out. The fae still have children obviously, though their numbers are far fewer than they used to be."

He turned your arm and pushed your sleeve up so he could see your now completed soulmark. He ran his thumb across the smooth skin, a fond smile crossing his lips. "And it is almost unheard of for a full fae female to have only one soulmate."

"So, this is normal?"

"For you? Absolutely."

You sat in stunned silence for a moment. The very thing that your sister had ridiculed and tormented you over was common among the fae. A joyful laugh erupted from you. You couldn't recall a time when you ever felt normal, but you were pretty damned close at the moment. And it was all thanks to Kol. "How do you know all that?"

"We own a rather extensive library and Elijah has always been a bit of a hoarder when it comes to books. Some of them are centuries old. I did a little digging this afternoon."

"That's sweet, but tell the truth. You were trying to find a way to get rid of the other two soulmates, weren't you?"

Kol scoffed and placed a hand to his chest in mock insult. "You wound me. As if I have ever committed a selfish act in my entire being."

"Wow, Kol. That was...completely unbelievable. Nice try though."

His grin had you laughing once more.


By the time your evening was drawing to a close, your stomach ached from laughing so much. Kol's carefree, playful attitude was exactly what you needed to lift your spirits. And you could absolutely see how you would need him to counteract the seriousness of his brothers. Kol would be the one who wasn't afraid to spend time on frivolities as long as it made you happy.

The two of you were holding hands as you strolled around and you used your grip to tug him in the direction of the Ferris wheel. "Come on. Let's be completely cliché and end the night on the Ferris wheel."

He tugged you to a stop and pulled you close to him. His eyes searched yours. "Only if I get to kiss you at the top."

You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You can kiss me now, if that's what you're after."

As if he'd been waiting all evening for the invitation, he surged forward, capturing your lips with his. The kiss was soft but hungry. You pulled away with a chuckle. "Ferris wheel, Kol."

He huffed. "Very well."

The two of you took full of advantage of the ride to continue the make-out session. When it was time to get off, the operator had to practically shout to get your attention. Heat flooded your cheeks, but Kol was simply annoyed.

"All right, we're going." He took your hand to help you out of the car and kept hold of it as the two of you walked toward the parking lot.

When you reached your house, Kol came around to open your door and walk you up to the porch. After unlocking your front door, you turned to face him. You leaned into him and pressed another kiss against his lips. One hand found the back of your head while the other settled on your waist as he deepened the kiss.

When you separated you laid your hand on his chest. "I had a nice time tonight. Thank you."

He grinned again and his chest puffed out slightly. "I'm glad."

"I should get inside."

He nodded and took a step back, letting his arms fall to his sides. You instantly missed their warmth. "Yeah. Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, Kol." You stood in the doorway watching him return to his car.

When he arrived at his door, he turned back to you and called your name. "I am thrilled that you're mine." And with that he slid into the car and was on his way a moment later.

You stepped into your house and paused to look back out into the night before shutting the door. "Goodnight, boys." You were almost certain you heard a hybrid curse in response.

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