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Fury: Parker, if you don't answer my calls I'm going personally flay you alive.

Peter grumbled and rubbed his eyes, stretching onto his back. The cool night air was blowing in from the open window, the noise of the streets below soft and desolate. The curtains were moving softly and Peter shifted under his thin blanket, throwing a pillow off of his bare chest. His phone's glare was emanating and glowing from underneath his sheets, and he quickly dimmed the light before squinting at the message. He inhaled sharply and quickly texted back a reply.

Peter: omg its like 2 in the morning fury

Fury: An Avenger never sleeps

Peter: i do smh

Fury: We need you now. Sending you the coordinates. We have a bust on boulevard.

Peter whined and rubbed his forehead, putting his phone on his bedside table, sitting up in bed and carefully meeting the cold hardwood floors with his warm feet. He walked in his underwear to his closet, and pulled out the suit, pulling it over his head and trying to flatten his hair before he pulled the mask over his face. He turned to the mirror, glancing at himself in the reflection and doing a quick suit check before walking over to his phone again.

He grumbled as he took off his gloves, remembering they weren't the right material to text with. He quickly replied to Fury, holding his gloves in his teeth.

Peter: k

Pulling on his gloves again, he grabbed a pen and a sticky note from his desk, writing quickly. On patrol, Peter. He slapped it onto his headboard and then heaved the window far open enough to fit through, before stepping out into the night onto the fire escape.

He leapt onto the side of the brick building, running up the side to get to the roof.


A small beeping noise in his ear sounded as his vision in the suit became bluer and small icons were illuminating in his peripheral vision as his feet hit the hard side of the building, shooting a web onto a nearby lightning rod and heaving himself up the rest of the way.

"Lovely night, Peter. Coordinates coming in from Nick Fury." Karen chimed peacefully, before a small white arrow appeared in Peter's vision, and he turned in the direction of the arrow, before shooting a web onto one of the large buildings and flinging himself of the top of the apartment complex.

"What time is it, Karen?" Peter yawned as he flipped onto another building, running across the foundations of a construction site.

"It seems to be what you call, ass crack early."

Peter hummed, leaping hundreds of feet above the streets below and between building top to building top. "That is what I call it."

"Commotion detected 100 metres ahead." Karen said calmly. "Scanning."

"Thanks, Suit Lady!" Peter called, before leaping forward. The buildings had become farther apart and more trees began to show as he crossed over a large park. It was completely dark outside, and the night vision setting on his suit was most definitely turned on.

"Arrived. There appears to be three men."

"Okay," Peter murmured. Usually things like these weren't reported to him by Fury.

He approached the building. A jewelry store. A large black van was parked outside, and glass was shattered over the sidewalk. The large front windows had been broken, and inside there was a tiny flicker of light.

"HE'S HERE!" Came a loud call.

Spiderman swung into the store, the suit partly taking over and delivering a blind punch to the man, causing him to fall back and hit his head on the pavement, and he breathed out loudly before convulsing over and coughing into the ground, his legs completely given out beneath him. Peter was surprised to find this guy didn't look like he wanted to get back up. Blood was blossoming underneath his nose and he cupped his face, catching the flow.

It's Probably the Peter Tingle - P. ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now