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As the days melted by, Peter got up and moved around in the hospital more and more. He saw less of Sara, and even less of anyone else but doctors and nurses. Ned and Michelle would sometimes drop by, but never for as long as Peter would've liked. He was still thinking about that night nearly a week ago, when the young, black haired teenager had knocked him nearly unconscious. At first, Peter was scared of Sara, but he grew to admire her in how powerful she was- as well as sympathetic.

"I don't want to hurt anyone, really," Sara had said, her eyes reflecting the light of the sky while she gazed out of the glassy windows. A small, soft sigh escaped her and strands of hair fell onto her face. "My sensei always said... martial arts teaches kindness and peace. But the ability to defend oneself if it comes to it." She bit the inside of her lip and looked back at Peter with a weak smile. "But I don't want to hurt people. No matter what they've done... they still hurt. And to do what they do- robbing banks- they're probably hurting already."

Peter nodded slowly, sitting back on the hospital bed and clutching the light blue sheets covering him. He looked past Sara out to the city lights. "...I know. But it's part of the business, I guess."

Now Peter slowly sauntered the fluorescently lit hallways of the hospital out of utter boredom. He had mountains of homework that were slowly growing larger- but he tried to ignore them best he could. God forbid he would succumb to the boredom and actually do math.

He walked down the hall into the small seating area and walked up to the vending machine, dropping his pocket change into the machine for a small chocolate bar, completely overpriced. He bent down as the chocolate bar was dropped, before he glanced over his shoulder and spotted someone.

"Is that kind of chocolate good, Parker?" Steve Rodgers smiled, wearing a clean white shirt and blue jeans as he stood up from a chair.

"Uh-" Peter said exasperatedly. "Yeah... KitKat." He murmured, astonished at how he didn't notice the man before, smoothing out the wrinkles in his shirt. "Why- Uh- why are you here, Mr Rodgers?"

"I'm here to see if you're well enough to come with me to Stark Tower." Steve said, crossing his arms and bouncing on his heels slightly. "We're having a meeting and we'd like to you to be there."

Peter nodded slowly, pocketing the KitKat. "An Avenger meeting? I'm invited to an Avenger meeting?"

Steve smiled slightly. "Yeah. You're an Avenger, aren't you?"

Peter laughed a little. His spirits rose from Steve's words- at least Captain America believed in him. He was still hurt that Fury hadn't gripped the fact that Mr Stark made him an Avenger. He blushed and nodded, a wide smile spread on his face. "Yeah," He muttered with a whole heart. "Yeah, I am. What's the meeting about?"

Steve's eyes flicked about before he spoke up loudly. "Are you well enough? If you are, someone will pick up your stuff later and bring it to your house."

"Uh-" Peter said. "Yeah." He was so tired of wandering the empty, ugly colored hallways, that he itched to escape. "I feel fine."

"Good, let's go then." Steve turned around and picked up his jacket, pulling it on and zipping it up. "It's getting colder, so at least go grab a sweater."

"Right," Peter said with a small smile, before running back to his room to get his school hoodie, KitKat outlined in the back pocket of his jeans.

A black car pulled up in front of the hospital, Cap taking the wheel and Peter taking up the back seats, a small backpack with his necessities in it, including a couple books and his toothbrush. Steve finally pushed the gas, the car slowly rolling forward as the afternoon light turned golden hour and shone in through the windows of the Sedan.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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