Grinny CatX Smile Dog

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This idea is from a pie! Check her out her name is EpicAriCheriBomb! Let's start the lemon!

It was mating season and Grinny never participated in this event, But today he decided to try it out. Smile was also participating. They both tried to find mates but got rejected.

Grinny went home and Smile. He walked up to him.

"Smile vill Vou be vy mate?" Grinny nervously asked.

Smile pushed Grinny up against the wall and smashed his lips into Grinny's.(they are in human form) Grinny bit Smile's lip asking for entrance and Smile gladly accepted. Their tongues fought.

Smile gently picked up Grinny and took him to his room.

Smile shut and locked the door and threw Grinny onto the bed. Grinny and Smile took of their clothes only leaving them in boxers. Smile pulled down his boxers showing his member and he also pulled down Grinny's.

Smile flipped Grinny over. "Purr for me Grin." He said seductively. Smile slammed his little buddy into Grinny's arse over and over again while Grinny  Purred and moaned.

Before Smile and Grinny could reach their climax Smile stopped and turned Grinny around. He stuck a finger into Grinny and Grinny groaned. Smile stuck 3 more and then Grinny came on his fingers. Smile licked them and then kissed Grinny. Grinny tasted his juices on his lips.

Smile stopped and fell beside Grinny on the bed.

"You should wait till next year because I won't go easy next time." Smile chuckled.

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