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Gertrude walked in the front door, hanging up her military coat with a smile. Christopher walked in from The Den. " You're in a good mood.",

he said. " Stars And Stripes had a Fitness And Health Section, and I was a ' Cover Witch'.", she replied. As cheers of celebration filled the house,

a morose looking Christina walked down the stairs. " Sis, you are not a 'cover witch'. Never were.", she said, handing over a file folder.

The couple opened it, and shock and horror filled them. " What is this?", asked Christopher. " Those shown up on DOJ and DOD websites,

just now. THe fraud photographer, uses a 'specialized camera'. The left, is the photo Trude was expecting. The right, is a photo, which was

' auto mapped' and 'auto edited', to make it seem to be a 'nude' photo.", replied Christina. " Before, you ask help from me or Christopher,

it is not possible. Under the NCIS Regs, we're stood down, and off this case. But, two things, One, a 'replacement' Director is on the way.

And, Two, ...."

A muscled, smooth headed, light skinned man, with a White beard and narrow Blue eyes walked into the Main NCIS Coldwater Branch.

" I'm DOJ Agent, Lance Gail. I'm your ' Temp Director' for this particular case. Now, let's get the scum, who hurt Director Barkhorn's Family."

" Couldn't say so, better myself.", said Naoe.

" Thanks again, for us staying here. I hope we're not causing too much of ANY trouble.", said Christopher. " Not at all. I am more than happy,

to help the relatives of Naoe's co - workers. Besides, Hilde is happier with the 'extra' company.", replied Johann. " Christina figured,

Gertrude would be better off, AWAy from the house, considering the bad news, she just hit us with.", said Christopher. " Can't blame her.

I'm chilled to think, one oculd use such an instrument, for 'wicked' purposes. To take an image, looking perfectally normal on the

surface. Yet, in the background, to alter it, for the purpose to fulfill one's lust. I hope Hilde does not get invovled in that.", replied

Johann. " Sir, Sir Christopher.", said a man in a White button up shirt, Black pants, shoes, and Red apron. " Mrs. LaSalle, just chased me from the

kitchen, using a glare and ' Dog Ears And Tail', claiming to fix Lunch.", said the Head Chef. " You didn't happen to say anything? Since,

the kitchen is, Gertrude's Territory.", replied Christopher. " Andre', what is Gertrude doing, you consider, 'offensive'?", asked Johann.

" She is making a 'breaded' meat, cheese, and vegtable 'pie' called, Karlsland Pizza.", Andre' replied. "Sounds 'tasty'.", said Johann.

" I can't believe, we were fooled. The documentation, credentials, even his portfolio looked authentic.", said Minna. " Sorry, to say this.

But, Instead of being a USO Promotional Photographer, he's most likely, a pronographer.", said Lance. " I'll cooperate, anyway I can.",

said Minna.

" The camera, was supposed to be, 'spy tech', until the 'official' Cold War end. Then, it was sold to the Private Sector, intent for security

purposes.", said Perrine. " So, the internal software, was meant to penetrate disguises then?", asked Lance. " Correct. But, our suspect,

made it, so the subject's 'private areas' could be 'auto' edited and mapped ' like a nude photo. He would have a ' normal one ' to give

openly. And, one he could sell, or post on the internet for profit.", said Perrine. " I want to get this guy.", said Lance.

Johann, Christopher, and Gertrude, watched as the girls nap in the play room. " Gertrude's Pizza, could put a Bull Elephant to sleep.",

said Christopher. " Oh, really?", she asked. " I mean no offense. I like my bed warm, and my body in one piece.", Christopher replied.

" Besides, I DID marry the hottest, sexiest, Karlslander, there is." " You get major 'points' for those.", replied Gertrude.

" I ran down the records for 'Pillar Photography', the company for Captain Barkhorn's photos.." " Let me guess, shell company?", asked Lance.

" Coorect.", said Perrine. " Pillar Photography is associated with * company name and logo appears on Computer Screen *

' Pillar Entertainment '." " What to bet, it's a PORN production company?", asked Naoe. " You would be correct, Naoe. Address on our and

Secondary Office phones.", replied Perinne. " Grab your stuff!", said Lance.

The Investigators, enter the suspect office. " Looks like, a cleared out and hooofed it.", said Lance. " No, Lance - san. He just grabbed his stuff,

for another 'appointment'.", said Yoshika, showing a paper she found. " On here is a list of 'clients'." Naoe, took a peek over Yoshika's

shoulder. " This guy is, heading to Nobu!", she said.

The Blue haired woman looked at the set up, and said, " I don't know about this 'photography'." " Relax. You and Miss Shinobu will sit at the

booth, smile, and I get to take your picture, for publicity.", said the photographer. " STOP, IT'S A SCAM!",said Lance running in with the others.

Lance cuffed the man, as Naoe shown Shinobu and Eleonora, the true nature of the camera. " This was recording your images, and

' auto - editing' them, into this.", she said. Then, Naoe shown the evidence, which horrified the women.

Everyone was sitting outside for dinner. " I'm happy this is over, and thanks Lance, for helping out.", said Christopher. " Glad to help.

And, Christina, you got two fantastic teams.", Lance replied. " Thanks.", replied the younger Barkhorn. Then, Gertrude led an army of

kitchen staff, to serve everyone, their BBQ Pork Rib dinner.


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