The Witching Hour Part 1

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First edition of Brads' Halloween Stories that will appear right here every day until All Hallows Eve. I hope you enjoy. And, as always, thanks for reading. #
1.'s late into the night. The "witching hour" tis called. It's when the night stalkers, vampires and creepy creepoids slither through our world unnoticed whilst we lay vulnerable and unconscious in our beds with dreams of sugarplums in our heads. I myself have just awoken having fallen asleep in my lounge chair. The windows are still uncovered for when I sat down twas daylight. Now it's pitch black out there turning my pane into a one way mirror of which tis not in my favor. Anyone upon my stoop, or on the grounds can look directly in and see me plain as day. I can only see a reflection of myself. And I look tired. My breath fogs the glass as I slowly turn the spindle closing the blinds. I shall also engage the lock to-night for a chill has gone down my spine as I felt I was being watched as I slept. Somewhere out there in the darkness a skunk has sprayed a mortal enemy and the smell, along with the dew laying upon the grass, filters through the cracks around the mildew filled, wooden window frame and finds my nose. A dog howls from out on the moor. A long and lonely howl. A frightened sound that ran the chill back up my spine. The night was playing my skeleton like a xylophone. I sat upon the edge of the four poster bed and decided I'd better check my phone. It buzzed in my hand and felt warm to the touch despite the frigid temperature in the chamber. A snap shot appeared on the screen. I opened it. For a second or two I couldn't make out the picture. Then, as the horror rose to terror, I could see it was a picture of me. With my back turned looking out of the window. My hand on the spindle. My hair stood up. I could see the reflection of my own face on the pane. I enlarged the pic. As it got bigger I could make out, in the reflection over my own shoulder in the glass, that the picture was taken from the walk-in closet behind me. The doors were cracked and inside the blackness I could make out a face. I enlarged it further. A face with such a terrible, horrifying continence that it wasn't even human flashed across my vision. I went numb sitting on my bed looking at this snapshot of me from just seconds ago and began to pass out from fear. The phone clattered to the hardwood. Just before I hit the floor myself, as though I were in slow motion, I saw the closet door opening and I saw the creature inside. It was only a few feet tall and even shorter when it got on all fours and rushed towards me at lightening speed. It's human arms and legs bent weirdly like a spider. It bared it's maw full of rows and rows of razor sharp teeth. I felt every one of them as they sank deep into my face. And I felt my whole body being shaken back and forth like a doll in a pit bulls mouth with my skin squeaking on the hardwood floor as I...slowly....pass..... out.........

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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