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The only thing I can do, in the garden, in this world, is to bloom a pretty flower that resembles you and to breath as the me I know... But I still want you

I still want you

He knew he couldn't do much more than stand around and listen to you talk, but that is exactly what he wanted to do. He was perfectly satisfied with listening to you angelic voice.

But still he knew he had to stay away from you; that was better for the both of you.

So he did, and he hoped you understood why the masked stranger wasn't hiding behind the flower bush every time you looked for him there. Your face always slightly disappointed whenever you realized he once again wasn't going to show up.

Every once in while though, not to often, he'd show himself. Hood over his head, mask on his face, flower on his lips. And whenever he did, and you spotted him, your smile got a little bit brighter.

As some weeks of watching from a distance, hoping you wouldn't see him, passed. He started noticing you sold less flowers every time he came to watch. Less people looked at you, less people bought from you, more flowers died at the end of the day. You hadn't talked since that day you attached the flower to the lips of his masked but whenever you spotted him you looked at him as if you felt guilty and you smile became apologetic.

He didn't mind it though. Sure, it was kind of a shame the flowers had to die, but what he was most worried about was you. If you didn't sell flowers where did you get the money to buy food?

Just as he started realizing that he started noticing you looked unhealthier every time he saw you.

This caused him to worry and think about what he could possibly do to help you. every so often he'd go to the village at times he knew you were asleep, stole some bread from the baker, and brought it to lay beside your sleeping body. But he knew that wasn't enough.

He had thought about letting you live with him. Your live would be a lot better that way. He considered asking you multiple times, almost stepped to you once to ask you. But he couldn't. he wanted to but couldn't possibly.

Though he didn't know what else there was he could do. He couldn't keep stealing food for you.

The thought hit him as he watched you from behind a different flower bush than usual and looked at you picking flowers.

He would make a flower, as gorgeous as you, that would only bloom in his garden. No one would have access to them beside you and him. You could sell those, they'd be so gorgeous the whole village would want them.

So he started working on in.

He locked himself in his castle for days, spending all his time designing a flowers to resemble you. A task harder than he ever imagined.

But he did it.

After days of hard work he finally made a flowers as beautiful as you. he couldn't wait to show you, he couldn't wait to see you get better after getting the money this flower would bring you.

He walked through his garden for the first time in days and realized in all that time he hadn't been restoring the flowers you picked. This meant more flowers than ever were gone. He bit his lip in guilt and quickly restored every single one.

He decided tonight he would talk to you. He would gather all the courage he had and explain where he had gone, what he had done, and what you could do with the gorgeous flower he was planting at this very moment. His heart beat loud as he thought about what he would tell you tonight. He wanted to tell you everything, from the first time your beauty mesmerized him, to how he was the one stealing bread for you.

He wanted to tell you how gorgeous you were to him, how amazing he thought the sound of your voice sounded. How your chuckle could brighten up his every day. How every night he looked forward to you climbing over the fence again, just so he could see your eyes sparkle like emeralds again.

But most importantly, he wanted to tell you what you meant to him. How you had made him feel like he wasn't alone. How you gave his life meaning again. How you saved him.

He looked at the flowers after he planted them, happy with the result.

A thought popped in his head: every flower has a name. But seeing as he didn't know yours he couldn't name these flowers yet. So tonight he's have to ask for your name as well.

Which meant he had to give you his.

If only he remembered.

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