Taken bÿ Äshlëÿ Këllÿ

158 3 1

A bunch of smoke flew around me as I coughed rapidly. I saw a few men, all adults, dressed in some kind of protection suit. There were at least 4 of them.

They all picked me up, wrapped me in a quilt, and put me in a van. There was a boy, who looked about my age, that was sleeping. "probably in a coma." I thought to myself. I would understand that in this condition.

On our way to wherever they were taking us, I thought. I thought about my life before this. "Wait!" I said. I sat up fast. I can't remember anything! I knew my name though, and I knew my age too. But I couldn't remember anything else.

A/N : hey guys got really bad writers block and wanted to update. so bye I guess XD

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2014 ⏰

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