Ch 6. Explanations

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I was sitting on the bed of the motel room with Crowley and Aziraphale across me on the second bed. I was shocked and couldn't believe this. I closed my eyes trying to calm down. Did he know about this or was I just a mistake like always?

"But, why did hell believe I was the Antichrist then?" I whispered. Crowley looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here which made it feel like I was being stabbed. Aziraphale just sighed as he seemed to be processing this as well.

"What you need to understand Eve is that your still technically the Antichrist. The Antichrist is the child of a fallen Archangel. The reason everyone assumed it was Lucifer was due to the fact that no one knew I had fallen. In fact, I just told Aziraphale who I was before you came over." Crowley said his serpentine eyes looking anywhere else other than me.

"Do you hate me?" I asked as bluntly as possible. Aziraphale looked shocked by the question but curios as well as he turned to look at Crowley. Crowley look caught off guard.

"No!" Crowley nearly shouted." I could never hate you. I just don't know what to do. I practically just found out I was a Father. I didn't exactly have time to figure it all out." Crowley rambled helplessly. Aziraphale looked at the Demon with amusement and concern. I just sighed.

"Crowley, dear. It's not much different than how we took care of Circe(female Warlock)." Aziraphale said gently. Crowley shot an irritated look at the Angel.

"I know that Angel. I just never expected it." Crowley grumbled his face slightly pink from embarrassment. I laugh despite the previous events. Crowley's face tried not to grin at my smile but Aziraphale saw right through. Crowley sighed as he got a serious look on his face.

"Listen, kid. I know you have no right to like me or want anything to do with me. I mean I wasn't there for the first eleven years of your life-" Crowley started on a rant. I just ran up and hugged him with tears in my eyes. The Demon looked surprised before slowly returning the hug.

"Will you take me with" I asked trying to make him feel better. Crowley stiffened slightly before relaxing. Aziraphale gasped causing me and Crowley to look at the Angel. Aziraphale pointed at my back and I grinned when I realized what they were seeing. My large grey wings had come out. I saw Crowley look at my wings curiously.

"You have wings?" Crowley whispered in awe. I grinned and nodded fluffing my feathers up proudly. Aziraphale still looked like he had seen a ghost. I tilted my head curiously.

"What is it Zira?" I asked curiously. Crowley tore his gaze away from my wing as he rushed toward the Angel. I took a step back as Crowley looked over the shellshocked Angel.

"Angel? Can you hear me?" Crowley asked with a worried expression. Aziraphale shook his head slightly.

"My, dear? Do you realize that your eyes have changed?" Aziraphale asked looking at me. I tilted my head curiously before running into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror with awe. My normal dark blue eyes were now a sky blue and my round pupils had turned into serpentine pupils.

"Cool!" I exclaimed grinning. I ran back into the room looking at an amused Aziraphale and confused Crowley.

"Look, Dad! My eyes are like yours!" I said happily. Crowley's gaze went upto my eyes and his own serpent eyes widened.

"Well, know we can't pass you off as Lucifer's anymore. Not that we would have." Crowley said as he handed me a pair of his glasses. I took them and put them on. Aziraphale chuckled slightly before turning to the clock.

"My, dear. We have to go in an hour." Aziraphale said noting the time. Crowley looks up at the clock and sighs.

"Why don't you two poise as a couple and adopt me?" I asked mischievously. Crowley spluttered at the idea, while Aziraphale blushed lightly.

"Crowley. I don't see a problem with that." Aziraphale said after a second. Crowley's gaze shot to the Angel.

"What about Heaven?" Crowley asked stiffly. I looked at Aziraphale who now looked extremely conflicted.

"Zira? You have to if you don't want to." I said softly. Aziraphale sighed as he once again questioned his loyalty. I walked over to the Angel and hugged him.

"I would be ok calling you Papa." I whispered softly. Aziraphale looked surprised before determination flooded his eyes.

"Well, I suppose we are on our own side now Crowley." Aziraphale whispered as if the very words were going to make him fall. I cringed at the idea of the sweet, gentle, and caring Angel falling.' Perhaps, I could bend reality a little. After all, they are practically earths guardians already.' I thought smiling. I closed my eyes letting my power wash over me. I pictured the Angel and Demon as grey winged and immune to Holy-water and Hell-fire. They would be neither of Heaven or Hell. They would belong on Earth.

"What the Hea-, He, Someplace is going on!" Crowley shouted all of a sudden. I opened my eyes to see Crowley and Aziraphale staring at each other with shock.

"I believe this is your daughters doing my, dear." Aziraphale said looking at my innocent face. I grinned happily at the ex-Angel and ex-Demon.

"You're on your own side now. You don't work for anyone. Your Guardians of Earth." I explained. Crowley and Aziraphale looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"What!" Crowley and Aziraphale shouted together.

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