Awkward Silence

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Here we are girls L.A!!! Colette shouted. Been a long time kayli said. It sure has. Carlie sighed. They entered the set, It was filled with cameras and loads of computers. Ok girls today we will be talking about wedding experiences, a crew member said. Carlies pov: When he said wedding experiences my heart skipped a beat, I mean I renember getting married to coopers dad christian, but it's kinda weird talking about him in front of people online, I mean come on...... Right? Ok ACTION!!!! Hey everybody welcome to the moms view today we will be talking about our wedding experiences!!! So colette how was it getting married to shay? Well it wasn't a big wedding,we just invited our family members and a few of our friends, the funny thing about it is I was wearing sneakers in the photo woth Shay caring me, it was a great day for us and our family. How about you carlie? UMMM YEAH UMM it was good..... Silence sweeped the air it was quite for 5 minutes.

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