Chapter I : The Bright Side

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~Raven~Tuesday 12 February 1999~

The silence was deafening. No one to be seen around the school campus and only 5 more minutes until hunting hour begins..
I have been waiting for this moment my entire life, sorry let me explain. Hunting hour is a fight against an Arachne

An Arachne is a half women half spider.
They don't hesitate to kill anything frustrating their minds.

Here she is, the worst beast to be seen with a pair of human eyes.

3:05~death sentence

Mainly people only get killed when they have a death sentence by the I.B.U
Who is the I.B.U you ask?
It's named the international beast unit
, made only to kill the humans that make mistakes in this 'perfect' world. That is a lot bare in mind.
This only happens three times a year. Yet it seems like ages.

Thanks to all that have read this first short chapter, I will make longer chapters but for the time being I have 0 brain cells and I am very ill . I hope you understand ❤️

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