The gate appears

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Aboard the ISD Chimera

Chimera, a name feared throughout the galaxy. As was death squadron. But one name stood above theirs, Imperator Thrawn. After the destruction of the death star over Yavin IV and the death of Sheeve Palpatine and the succession of Emperor vader he was quickly promoted to Imperator, he was now second in the Empire's military decisions to Vader himself. While officially the Executor was his flagship, he still preferred the more flexible ISD Chimera and his old art room. He also controlled the 'empire of the hand' a semi-independent empire functioning in the unknown regions. But as he was looking over his art collection he had a call.

Admiral Pellaeon: Sir?

Thrawn: Yes admiral?

Pellaeon: We have gotten reports that...Csillia is under attack.....

Thrawn turned around, his pure red eyes burning into the admiral's head. And with a cold anger said.


Pellaeon gulped

Pellaeon: C-Csillia is being attacked b-by an unknown force....

The empire of the hand, and the Chiss ascendancy was the same thing, and they were both part of the galatic empire, the Chiss leader was confused and pissed, the former because hardly anyone knows of Csilla and who would be stupid enough to attack the empire, and the latter was because Csilla was his home.

Thrawn: Set a course for Csillia.... And deploy all defenders and Clawcraft


Imperial palace

Darth-sorry Emperor Vader walked through the halls of the imperial palace, hearing the training of a new group of force users, the Imperial Knights. Secular force users who use both light and dark sides as a tool, while he didn't agree to it, his wife. Padme amadalla-vader made it official. And as a surprise in the Knights Luke Skywalker was teaching them. After cloud city, in which Vader, and padme exposed the lies of Obi-wan Kenobi they convinced him to join his side, given the only reason he joined the rebellion was to avenge his Aunt and Uncle, and his father. He already did for his Aunt and Uncle and when he learned his father, was not only alive. But the person he was told to hate, he understandably pissed. But he was not quick to ditch the teachings of the jedi. He planned on teaching the Imperial Knights the light side as his father taught the dark. Also in return for joining Vader, all his friends. Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, were set free from their entrapment on Cloud City. Emperor Vader suddenly got a holocall.

Vader: Yes? What is it?

Imperial officer: emperor, the world of Csillia is under attack. Grand- Imperator Thrawn is already on his way with death squadron.

Vader: I see...I shall gather the knights.

Later, aboard the Bellator.

Luke: So, we're going to Csillia right? To fight off an unknown threat...why couldn't the stormtroopers handle this?

Vader: We need training for the imperial knights and this is a great exercise. And death squadron is already there. Dealing with the threat.

Imperial army POV

Count Formal was worried, while he didn't really think they were of much a threat these people the empire just invaded did spark some worry. For one, large buildings made of steel shot up into the heavens above. Secondly despite them being here for no more than a day they hardly pressed out of the gate as the locals held them back, despite being outnumbered and lacking any mounts to counter charge the empire. But his, and his sons in law worries fell on deaf ears when it came to the General Listening to them. But soon his worries would come true as in the sky, loud booms and large metal dragons were above head and soon fire rained down upon them by metal Wyverns and other such things, entire formations were destroyed by these monsters.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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