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"Dive" by Ed Sheeran

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"Let me know the truth,
before I dive right into to you"

Cyrus' focus had left the movie playing on the screen in front of him and moved to TJ. He couldn't stop looking at his boyfriend, he was so cute the way he got so focused during movies he liked. Cyrus liked to watch his reactions and the little things he would mutter when characters did certain things, he preferred watching TJ rather than the actual film. This was why Cyrus loved cinema dates.

As the credits appeared on the screen TJ finally looked over at Cyrus and grinned as the light from the projector flickered over his face in flashes. "What did I tell you? Perfect movie," he reached for Cyrus' hand as they stood up "Lets go babe," he said.

They both froze up the second the sentence was out of TJ's mouth- babe? TJ didn't call Cyrus babe, they didn't do pet names unless you count 'Underdog' but that had always come naturally. This was weird, just plain uncomfortable at least it felt like it should be.

"Wait what?" Cyrus asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he felt his palms begin to sweat- he released TJ's hand from his grip.

TJ's cheeks flushed as his eyes landed on Cyrus' hand pulling away from his own "Sorry! I didn't- you don't like it. I promise not to say it, it was stupid," he mumbled, panic rising in his voice.

Cyrus sat back down in his seat despite the fact that the theatre was emptying out "No no, it's not that I don't like it- I do. It's just that saying babe feels more serious..." he sighed.

TJ shrugged in response and looked down at Cyrus "It doesn't have to be serious, I just said it by accident,".

Cyrus bit his bottom lip "No- what I mean is that it is serious to me but I don't mind that it's serious except if you don't want us to be serious that is..." he attempted, staring back up at TJ uncertainly.

TJ finally sat back down too, the credits were still playing in the background but they were the only two left in the theatre now "I- What's that supposed to mean?" he replied, confused.

Cyrus sighed again "I mean that I only want you to call me babe if you mean it," he explained.

"How can I mean the word 'babe'?" he questioned.

"Look TJ, I'm the type of person who falls really hard and in the past that has been cause for a lot of heartbreak and emotional trauma that could have been avoided..." Cyrus answered weakly.

TJ remained silent. He stared up at the screen for a moment where the credits were still playing, the he looked down at his shoes before finally looking back up to meet Cyrus' gaze. He still didn't know what to say but the silence was just painful "Oh" he finally said, the uncertainty in his voice evident.

Cyrus frowned "Oh god, I'm just freaking you out aren't I?" he whispered nervously.

TJ wanted to nod but he didn't that might just upset Cyrus and he didn't want that- he wanted to know the right thing to say in order to make thing go back to normal. They never fought, they never had relationship drama (unlike Jonah), they didn't do this. Instead he remained silent and stood up "We should get going," Cyrus simply nodded.

They walked out of the empty theatre in silence, neither of them holding hands. They made it out onto the street and Cyrus shivered when they were met with a blast of cold wind. TJ immediately took off his own jacket and hung it over Cyrus shoulders to keep him warm. For a moment they both grinned and Cyrus' stomach did the little backflip it always seemed to do when TJ did stuff like this. Then Cyrus sighed and stopped walking.

"Hey Cyrus, what's the matter?" TJ asked, concerned as he noticed the frown spreading across Cyrus' face.

Cyrus sighed "I can't-...I can't do this if I don't know you're in this as much as me," he replied, avoiding eye contact and fumbling with his hands before finally looking up and staring TJ right in the eyes as bravely as he could.

TJ's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed, his frowned looking take aback "I-...what do you want me to say to that? We're sixteen, I can't- I don't- I... Argh! That's not fair Cy!" he muttered, running one hand through his hair nervously.

Cyrus bit his lower lip and released yet another sigh "I'm saying that I don't want you to call me babe unless you mean it, I don't want you to keep doing all these adorable little things that make me feel this way unless you plan on sticking around." he replied harshly, actually sounding annoyed rather than apologetic like he always seemed to in arguments.

TJ stared at him uncertainly with his mouth slightly open as he tried to come up with an answer, Cyrus spoke again "I get it if you don't want that but I just need you to tell me that now because I'm the type of person who gets attached easily and can't handle heartbreak at all, especially not the amount I'd feel if I lost you." he finished, letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in.

When TJ remained silent once again and Cyrus took a deep breath "Yeah that's what I thought. See you around, Teej" he said, surprising himself by how calm he sounded when he really felt like crying because everything felt like it was falling apart. He swallowed the lump he could feel in his throat turned and started walking in the direction of home, he ignored the tears that were threatening to fall and marched on.

He had gotten a good block or so away from TJ when he heard the sound of footsteps running behind him. He turned around and frowned as he watched TJ run towards him. TJ stopped when he reached Cyrus. "I'm sorry..." he said out of breath as he placed one hand on Cyrus' shoulder as he caught his breath  "I do mean it, I mean it more than I've ever meant anything in the world. I got scared okay? Because I...it's stupid but I think I'm falling in love with you and that scared me but trust me- I promise you that I'm sticking around." He finished, still catching his breath as Cyrus stared up at him.

A grin spread across Cyrus' face as he stood up on his tip-toes to kiss his boyfriend. TJ's hand moved from Cyrus shoulder up to cup his face and kiss him back. Cyrus had a tendency to make problems out of nothing and this had been another case of the because TJ wanted exactly what he did. To dive right into this relationship. Maybe they were being stupid, maybe they were too young for love but it didn't matter- they were happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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