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Hey guys,
Sorry I didn't update today. Someone broke into my back garden and my moms been talking to the police. It's really shaken us up, I have never been so scared, I saw a tall figure walk past my back door and then a shadow walk past my front door at 7:30 tonight. Also it's getting really dark earlier here so it was pitch black when it happened. Again I'm so sorry I didn't update, I was going to at about 8 or 9 but I was just so spooked and scared that I couldn't even think of what to write, I'll try to update tomorrow though ☺️❤️💚❤️💚
It made me realise just how vulnerable people really are and how easy it is to get hurt, I'm just glad I saw someone walk past and we heard the gate slam shut so we could report it. We're all ok now and whoever it was is gone, we've contacted the police and they'll be round soon.
Please remember to lock all your doors and windows and please stay safe.
Bye everyone, hopefully I'll update tomorrow ❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚
Love you all 😍😍😍

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