Touch **

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Yoongi closes his eyes at your touch. His tongue darts out momentarily, wetting his bottom lip before his teeth scrape across it. The crowded room that is filled with sounds of diners and their conversations, the clinking of silverware against plates and chairs scrapping across the wooden floor, dims as you observe his reaction to your simple caress. Your lips part slightly, letting out a slow and heavy breath. The need to swallow becomes overwhelming. It was a simple touch. Innocent in its nature. Just a light reassuring caress to the back of his hand across the dinner table as you two caught up on each other's lives. But his heated response is as intense as if you had slid your hand into his pants. Your eyes lower from his lips down to his neck noticing his adam's apple bob as he swallows. Just a bit further down, his chest, moving in and out, does nothing to hide how his breathing speeds up. Your head tilts slightly in amazement as your gaze shifts to where your hand is slowly tracing the veins on the back of his hand. When did you start doing that? The tips of your fingers, lightly grazing his skin, travel the path laid out by one particularly dominant vein, starting closest to you at the knuckle of his ring finger. The pad of your middle finger, overly sensitive for some reason, follows the raised skin over the last knuckle, across the soft and delicate skin on the back of his hand to his wrist. You may have gone further had it's path not been blocked by the corded bracelet he wore. What the hell are you doing, you asked yourself. Your eyes snap up to his, praying his attention somehow had been diverted elsewhere or at least still closed. They were open and staring straight at you.

Yoongi's POV

She looks beautiful... and she didn't come here to listen to you complaining about your damn schedule. Shut up, Yoongi! He rolls his eyes at himself and gives her a quick smile.
"Sorry. Forget the last 10 mins. Tell me about what's been going on with you these last few years.  How's your dad?" He asks, grabbing his fork. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a smile form on her lips and her hand reaches across the table to his.

His world shakes.

One slight, single touch.

His chest constricts, his eyes close.

Fire erupts at the back of his hand, shooting up his arm, splitting into two directions. One path slows, climbing upwards, crawling its way up his neck, kissing and biting a trail to his lips. His tongue sweeps out, leaving behind such an intense tingling pleasure that he bites his bottom lip, bringing himself back to reality. The slight pain only reveals the other path making its way down his chest and stomach. He swallows, intensely aware of his hardened nipples brushing against his dress shirt. His breath quickens as the fire slips downwards, underneath his belt, licking its way straight to his cock. His stomach clenches as his hips involuntarily jerk upwards. What... the fuck?? It was barely a touch. Calm down! He takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. There was no way she didn't notice that. Fearing the worst, sure that she's appalled, he slowly looks at her.

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