B2: Chapter 30 - Four Days Later - II

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  Jeremy rolled up to the sidewalk in a brand new rental car. He hadn't even bothered to ask the Bureau for another vehicle, after both his and Lani's had now been trashed by golems, and with Aderholt still out for his head. This car, nicely modern with all the conveniences technology could bring, was bought and paid for by the political arm of the family—both of whom stood waiting at the curb.

  "Didn't think she'd be comin'," muttered Jeremy.

  Maddie glanced over her shoulder, where Courtney was still on the phone with some corporate bigwig. "She was there when we got the call. And Rachel sure isn't coming, so she volunteered herself as a representative."

  "Don't you count?"

  "That's what I said," she grumbled.

  "One of my constituents died to domestic terrorism under my watch," said Courtney, who'd apparently heard every word. "It's my duty to offer my condolences to the family."

  "And score some PR points," snapped Maddie.

  "This is a private funeral. There won't be any press."

  He shrugged. "The press always finds Hailey anyway."

  "Oh, are you on first name terms with her now?" asked Courtney. "I'd love an introduction, if you don't mind."

  "Yeah, I'll do that," Jeremy deadpanned. Maddie rolled her eyes behind Courtney's back, smirking.

  Courtney turned back and finished up her phone call. Something about a major business deal, Jeremy didn't catch the specifics. He leaned over to Maddie, so Courtney didn't hear. "Keep her the fuck away from Hailey. She doesn't need that shit today."

  Maddie nodded. "You got it."

  Courtney pocketed her phone. "So, are we leaving?"

  Maddie rolled her eyes even wider, but to his relief, she didn't take another shot at Courtney for the whole drive. They piled in, and Jeremy pulled out onto the street. It was going to be a long drive from Seattle back down to Tacoma in current traffic.

  Plenty of time to try and think of something to say to Hailey. Jeremy didn't have a clue. He'd given the talk to so many families, so many grieving people, but he didn't know any of them. Through his whole career, Jeremy had never actually lost anyone. The closest he'd come was when Maddie had nearly been killed, when Jackie had risked her life to save his sister.

  This was different. Hailey had lost someone like a soul-mate. Jeremy was pretty close with his sister, but not like that girl. She and Hailey were utterly inseparable.

  What do you say to someone who lost that?

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