The Bazaar

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"cities are being torn down peice by peice by the evil, greedy government of Syria. Not hesitating to drop bombs on the innocent hopeless citezens" I hear through the door of the living room as I'm not aloud to watch the TV by the rules of my father. I sigh looking at my little brother, Omar just to see and realize if this keeps happening he may not have a future, I must get us to safety away from the evil without my father noticing as I'd be hung to death my brother with me.

I go into the kitchen, empty no food no nothing. I control my crave for hot fresh food as good as my mother would make it, she past away sadly leaving me to supply food and make food for my brother and father. I slowly open the cabinet making no noise lucky to find a old pack of sunflower seeds to feed my brother and then I started to plot my escape from this living NIGHTMARE.

First of all I planed to bring the essentials like water and somthing to eat and then the big one, how I'm gonna escape the house without my evil father noticing. I came up with a plan to fake going to the bazaar to get food for the house and then there I'll my brother and I will take off to journey to turkey, I'll use my father old map to guide me and my brother. I stare into the ceiling thinking about what could go wrong and what would happen if I was caught but I ignore and listen to my heart.

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