Falling From Cloud Nine (Cody Simpson Love Story)

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The first chapter is very short but it's the beginning of a very drama filled story! Tons of plans! Comment, Vote and Fan Please! 


Chapter One: No, You're Doing It Wrong!

"5, 6, 7, 8!" I do the steps to the dance hearing the sound of my Vans hit the wooden studio floor. Cody Simpson, the person I'm doing backup for, does his entrance wrapping his arm around my waist and singing to me before moving onto the other dancers to do the same to as I continue to finish up the dance. My foot slips at the very end back flip and I fall onto the floor with a large 'oomph' everyone stops and looks, cringing at my hard fall.

"You're doing it wrong, that's why you fell." The Aussie accent directs towards me.

"Excuse me?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him and standing up. We'd been instructed to be kind to our boss but if he's going to decide to be an ass hole then it's in my right to fight back.

"You're doing it wrong. First of all, vans are never good to practice in; second, you're not balancing yourself before doing to flip."

I scoff, "...and your experience level is?"

"Well I am an international pop star." He gloats whilst sauntering towards me, his 5'11" figure towers over me, "If that counts."

"Wow inexperienced and conceited to." I say with a smirk fixing my fitted cap as I look up in his baby blue eyes.

"Name?" He simply asks as if I were nothing.

"Sanchez, Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie."I answer bluntly wondering what would happen next.

"Well Sanchez, Charlie this is my show so next time, don't argue with me and take some constructive criticism. Do I make myself clear?"

"Okay Simpson, Cody I was arguing but just so you know... no, you're doing it wrong. Not me."

"I said," He begins in an irritated voice, "Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." I answer sarcastically rolling my eyes.

 He turns his back on me and me, nearly knocking me over in the process and takes long strides out of the room, "Take 15 guys!" He yells but we can barely hear it because he's probably already half way to his dressing room. I sigh, well that went well. My friend, Jacey comes towards me rolling her eyes. She was clearly not impressed with my actions towards the ‘oh so famous’ Aussie pop star. I hold my breath, waiting for the impact that, surprise, surprise is exactly what I’m expecting. 

“What the hell were you thinking!?” She whisper/yells at me with a look that would make the incredible hulk cringe, “That person who you just insulted is Cody freaking Simpson!” She over exaggerates.

“Look, I’m sorry but in all reality, Jacey, I’m right.”

She rolls her eyes, “Of course you’re right Charlie, you’re always right,” She exclaims with sarcasm, “He is our boss which means what he says goes.” Jacey explains as she follows me towards our bags. I grab my water bottle and take a good gulp and sigh.

“Fine. Whatever. I’ll apologize later or something.” I shrug, I actually wasn’t planning on apologizing but I’m willing to tell a white lie to get her off my back.

“Okay…go now.” She says tactically knowing my plans. I look at her in the eyes in a begging way as if to say with my eyes ‘please don’t make me, please don’t make me’. She gestures towards the door, “Go…if you want to experience being his backup dancer, if you want to get the most of this opportunity and maybe begin a career but most of all, go if you love me!” She says dramatically causing me to laugh.

I pout, “Fine.” She laughs and pats me on the back before grabbing my shoulder and leading me towards the door. I walk out and towards his dressing room whining the whole way, hoping that this is all a dream and I don’t have to apologize to the guy that was just in the wrong. Although, like Jacey said, I need to embrace this opportunity that he has given me by hiring me to work for him. If keeping it means that I need to do some ass kissing then I will do it. Jacey follows me, her red curls bobbing up and down as she skips beside me towards Mr. Famous ‘dressing room. She knocks for me and a tall blonde who is wearing heels answers, I recognize her as his sister. She’s a nice girl, not so quiet and loves flirting with the straight male dancers.

“Can I help you?” She asks with a smile, masking her confusion as to why we’re knocking on her brother’s dressing room door.

“Charlie here needs to apologize to Mr. Simpson.”  Jacey answers for me right away, I thank her for her talkative nature silently.

“Oh you’re my new hero? The girl Cody was talking about? Thank you so much! He needs a reality check; I think his fame is going to his head.” She rolls her eyes, “But, no worries b-r-b I’ll go get him you can wait inside the room.” She gestures into the dressing room and gives us a wide smile before exiting to go find him. Jacey automatically enters the room without hesitation; I quickly follow not wanting to be the awkward blonde girl standing in the hallway once Alli Simpson returns with her brother.

“Dude! This room is nice!” She says with a smile looking around at the leather couches, clothing racks, posters, electronics and her favorite…the food. Jacey takes a handful of Doritos from the bowl and shoves them in her mouth making a loud, irritating crunching noise. I laugh shaking my head and plop myself onto the couch.

“It is quite nice.” I agree with her nodding, “Too bad it belongs to a douche bag.” I smirk looking to see her mouth wide open at my comment.

“You. Are. So. Mean!” She accuses pointing at me, “You-“She stops because the Simpson’s enter the room; Cody looks at me and immediately pales. Wow, I’m so getting fired he hates me.

“You wanted to speak with me?” He asks in a surprisingly nervous tone, he looks between Jacey and Alli as if to tell them to leave.

“We’ll just be out in the hallway doing random stuff.” Alli tell us taking Jacey’s hand, I can tell already that Jacey and I have made a new friend. They leave, leaving Cody Simpson and I, in the same room…and we hate each other…great. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2012 ⏰

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