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Ok so I got tagged
So uhh...
This is who tagged me ImARoachPERIODT

10 things about me arreeeee

1. I have curly hair
2. I'm dying it blue
3. I change up my chapters often... (Sorry)
4. I get super nervous when i post a chapter
5.I can sort of draw
6. My age is not old enough to be here
7. My birthdays in January
8. I'm a Capricorn (as you probably know)
9. I have 2 Sibilings
10. I'm a girl scout

Ok next! 

I don't want to tag 28 people so...

JessIsDeath Alovelyfan AnimeAvocado
*COUgh* I'm lazy *CoUgH*

Roses are red hydro flasks hold water
Say sksksks again and your family will be slaughtered

A kinda spoiler for my book is
I don't know why I gave them powers bc there's no enemy for them to fight.

I don't know why I gave them powers bc there's no enemy for them to fight

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