Just Chilling

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Adam felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He let a small smile show. He pulled out his phone and exactly as he suspected, it was Bianca. He opened the message. 'Hows the bonfire?'

'Terrible. You aren't here.' He responded.

'Ill make it up to you ;)' Adam smirked down at his phone and shot her a quick response.

'You better babe ;)'

'You can hold me to it.'

'Not the only thing I want to hold on you' He knew she was smirking. He felt way more confident after he got his top surgery. No boobs ever again. Well, not his at least.

'Woah down boy!' He laughed as he felt someone sit down next to him. He ignored them until he got nudged him.

"I feel loved!" Said a familiar voice. He smiled and looked over at Katie.

"Sorry thought you were someone lame. Well, I was right, but I didn't know it was you!"

"Watch it Torres!" Katie laughed, smiling happily.

"What? It's true!" He joked again. He all of the sudden became really nervous, looking down at his hands.

"There are so many couples here. It's almost sickening." She said with an eyeroll, looking around.

"Well, where is Drew on this fine evening?"

"He said he had other plans..I have no clue where he is. What about Bianca? I'm shocked she isn't here with you, being queen of the school and all." He laughed, shaking his head.

"This 'isn't her scene' according to her. So, she didn't come." He said with a sigh, shrugging.

"Guess we are stuck together." She said with a smile, looking over at him.

"Guess so. I don't have a problem with that." He said, looking over at her.

"Neither do I, surprisingly."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2015 ⏰

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