Chapter 1

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Courtney's Pov

I sit on the couch waiting for my boyfriend to get home when suddenly the door swings open. I look at him, he's all drunk and sweaty.

"What the hell, it's 3 in the morning!" I yell angry.

" I can do what I want, your not my boss!" he slurred.

"Your disgusting, you piece of shit! " I yell. He walks up to me and slaps me, hard." whore" he says then leaves and slams the door shut.

I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I get on my coat and shoes and walk to a bar near me. I go inside and sit down on an empty stool. "One drink, please".

The bartender passes me a shot of something. I start to chug the shot. "another". I chug that one. "another" chugging that one too.

I start to get dizzy, I turn to my left to go to the restroom and see my boyfriend, I start walking towards him, my vision gets clearer and I see him...


I can feel tears streaming down my face, I turn to leave but to be pulled into someone. They hug me as I cry into there chest.

Shayne's Pov

I walk into this bar to clear my mind. I was about to sit down when I see Courtney staring at something. I look at the thing she's staring at, it's her boyfriend kissing some random girl.

I've seen her boyfriend a few times but he always leaves before I can talk to him.

I see courtney turn to leave, then I pull her into a hug. She starts crying into my chest. She puts her legs around my waist, then I carry her in the passengers seat and drive to my house.

She falls asleep on the way there. I get home and carry courtney inside. I lay her on my bed. I take off her shoes and coat and put a shirt on her since she's wearing shorts and a tank top. I put the blanket on her and go to the couch and sleep.

*4:54 a.m.

I wake up to screaming. I get up as fast as I can and run to my room. I open the door and see courtney siting in the corner crying and sit down next to her.

"Courtney?" I ask. She looks up at me. I quickly pull her into a hug.

We sit there until her breathing gets back to normal. I pick her up and put her back to bed. I open the door.

"Shayne" I hear courtney say, I turn around and look at her.

"Can you sleep with me, please?". I close the door and lay down next to courtney. I put my chin on her head and she snuggles into my chest. I feel my shirt getting wet but I don't care about it. I care about her and only her.

*485 words( not including these)

please vote, bye lovelies

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