Tonight It's Just You and I

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There was a silence

After the overwhelming conversation that I mistook

There was a car door, there were bright red tail lights

Set into motion by your foot

It was a hot night,

It was a moonlit Sunday,

We were driving on the 13th of June

He sat with a quiet state, contemplating her words and his next action. Hands gripped the steering wheel firmly, turning it first right, then left, headed in the direction of their special spot in the woods. What was there that he could do to change her mind? He'd told her that he loved her, yet she responded with her usual retort: "Baby, love is nothing but a trick your brain plays on you. It's totally chemical. Now stop being silly."

John O'Callaghan felt the diamond ring in his pocket sticking through the miniscule spaces between the threads of his jeans pocket, poking into the side of his bare thigh. It was a reminder of how futile this entire relationship was. True, he wanted to live his life as in the moment as he could, without missing a beat in this glorious life he was given, but he wanted to share all that wonder and adventure with someone who cared as much as he did; cared about him. Sage was just one step away from being what he needed. One step away from being his entire life.

She reached over to the wheel with her bare foot, tweaking the wheel with her toes just enough to weave them between the empty, midnight lanes. They were far outside of town, nearing a clearing in the woods where they had first met two years ago.

He wanted to growl angrily at her to stop, but she was so fucking adorable that he couldn't bring his anger to the surface, much less throw it at her. Which only frustrated him more. He glanced up in the rear view mirror, not for any particular reason, and caught the shadowy appearance of the red tail lights of his Jeep on the moving pavement behind the vehicle.

"Ugh, it's so. Hot!" she complained, peeling away her tank top from her body. She flung her arms into the air above her, letting out a long, carefree shout of pure happiness and contentment. Her tank top fluttered in the air behind the fist that held it, threatening to let it slip from her fingers at any time.

He agreed with the notion; he was totally content in moments like this. They were nothing short of his idea of perfection. John had never liked the thought of things being perfect; to him, there was no neat and tidy definition for the word, because it wasn't something set in stone, it was the idea of the individual. What he saw as perfect wasn't necessarily perfect to Kennedy or to Garrett. What was perfect to them didn't have to be the same things that were perfect to Pat and to Jared.

These moments, however, late night moments without any chance of the time being ruined, no distractions, interruptions or reasons to turn around, created an atmosphere around John that he couldn't perceive as anything but utter perfection.

"Midnight, Sunday, baby. I'm 22 today!" she shouted to the sky.

"Yeah. June 13th."

I know I know I know she said, you are still angry

And I know I know I know she said, this really isn't the time,

But how about..

Sage glanced over at John, the thin satin straps of her bra slipping off her shoulders in a sexy way that made him want her despite all his annoyance and frustration. "I know, baby, you want more than what we have right now, but why? Why ruin the fun? The excitement? The adventure and the freedom? Don't you get it, John? No pressure, no commitment, nothing serious, means no problems!"

Tonight It's Just You and INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ