Depress. Short Story Part 13: I Almost Killed Myself

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I put on my sunglasses, to hide my swollen eyes, over my tears. I cried all my makeup off. Went inside to have a milkshake. I don't know why. I wanted something to drink as I figured out what I would do. I got a soda and a milkshake. Medium. The cashier looked at me and with a line around the corner of the counter he rushed away from the counter, "Hold on," he yelled to a coworker.

I filled my soda and went back and saw him looking all over. I go up and he gets close and says, "I made it large."

That was seriously enough for me not to do it. His kindness. Someone went out of their way and as I went back to my car to cry I realized I could muster through a few other days. A few more weeks. Then I came down from that panicky high of anxiety, depression, and pain. I finished my shake. And it was enough time to let me feel better. I... I'm alive. I'll make it through.

Try and be nice today. Tomorrow. Something as much a smile. It helped so much.

Thank you man at McDonalds.

The milkshake saved my life.


(Author here: I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense, so bare with me. My lovely little lonely nuggets).


Walking sobbing around a city once wearing a summer dress in mid-September thunder and rain. Basically dragged myself into LUSH as the smell of the store always made me smile. The shop was empty and dead due to the weather, just this blonde short woman behind the counter who smiled at me. I stared at her feet and asked, " Do you have anything for people who are scared a lot?"

{ I was so out of it I had no clue}. She showed me two bath bombs, one pink and one blue, and said, "Both were good." I chose the pink, paid for it and left. I then sat at a bus stop clutching the LUSH bag in one arm and my prescription meds in the other. I'd lied and ordered a refill so I could just drift away with sleeping pills.

When the bus arrived and I was out of the rain, I decided to have another look at my bath bomb, smell it and what not. Opened my bag and saw she'd put the blue one in there for me as well and written on the receipt 'feel better soon :) hope you like x'.

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