Chapter 2

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Since you people seemed interested I decided to continue this... I don't know how fast I'll be, though, since college is a needy bitch.


Kiyi's tears were a long time coming. She'd been trying to show herself how strong she was ever since she left home, but now after letting everything out, she seemed to see everything more clearly.

Azula actually did her a huge favor. She left her with money and a place to stay. This had to be enough for her to finally start taking care of herself. Kiyi stopped crying, as she repeated Azula's two rules in her head. Don't brag to people about the things you have and, of course, don't trust anyone.

Don't count on anyone... That must feel lonely after a while. It was unimaginable to her how someone could live disconnected like that for years. But maybe she'd learn it by the time she was Azula's age.

Don't count on anyone, you don't need anyone...

Then the door opened slowly, and Azula walked in casually, carrying yet another bag of groceries.

"You don't look like you're getting ready to leave." the Princess said from the door.

"Azula? Yeah, I... I will. Soon." Kiyi was glad she didn't catch her crying, "I thought you'd left, for good."

"You're such a child..." Azula shook her head, "So you were preparing to leave?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Too bad then... Just seeing how it's pouring outside, I thought you could stay a while." her words made Kiyi's whole face light up, "provided you pull your own weight around here. I'm not going to serve you."

"Yes, ma'am!" the girl stood up delightedly and took Azula's bag to the kitchen for her.

"Does that mean you're going to teach me?" Kiyi asked from the kitchen.

"It means I won't throw you out on your spoiled behind. Yet. Isn't that enough?" Azula yelled from the living room, "Make us some tea for a start!"

Kiyi immediately obeyed, trying desperately to seem indifferent to the situation, while she felt like jumping with joy. She had a purpose now, not disappointing her sister. Showing her that she had potential.

She unpacked the bag and noticed it was nothing but tea inside. Kind of a weird shopping list for someone who already had so much tea in her kitchen.

"Do you put the tea in before you boil the water or after?" Kiyi asked reluctantly.

"How did you grow up in the palace with my uncle and not learn that?" Azula got no answer, "Boil first, then wait a while then pour it over the leaves. You want me to come there and-"

"No, no... I got it!"

"Suit yourself, but you break something you're paying for it!"

While the girl was working Azula tried to relax on the sofa and not think about the clashing of porcelain she was hearing from time to time coming from the kitchen. She had to learn sometime... Finally, in about ten minutes, Kiyi emerged carrying a tray with cups and a teapot.

She was still beaming like it was the happiest day of her life, while she poured the two of them a cup each.

"How is it?" she asked excitedly, before Azula even had a chance to taste it.

"It leaves room for improvement." the Princess lied. Somehow amongst all the fiddling around in the kitchen, the girl made the perfect tea. But she couldn't go ahead and tell her that...

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