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Name: Rinteria
Age: 6
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Clothes: black and white striped dress, with soft pale blue tights and yellow flats
Appearance: flag has a large yellow line on the left side of her face, top of flag is red while the bottom is blue
Personality: bubbly, cheerful, childish, joyful, sweet, kind, funny, troublesome
Likes: family, friends, toys, flowers, jokes and puns, Victoria(adopted mom)
Dislikes: war, violence, hate, fear, lies, blood, abuse, rape, crime, murder
Family: Victoria(adopted mom), USSR(adopted dad)
Friends: literally every country
Enemies: none(shes too sweet)
Allies: same as her carrier(yes I will use some transformer terms for some words, frag you)
Backstory: unknown
Other: she once tried vodka(blame russia) and got tipsy, everybody fled when her enraged carrier came running at full speed

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