Good Intentions

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"Yes, I do. Me and seemingly half the world work for that guy. Think what you must but until recently I believed this to be the greatest, best-funded, well-intentioned company in the world. But something has changed with him, with his mission. It used to be you would never hear him talk about shareholders or profits at all, always just what could we do next to improve this world. He had no fear and led his company by the seat of his least that's the way it felt to me," Slezak trailed off.

Evan recalling Bellamy's comments had only one thing on his mind. "So what the hell is this "vetting" me for mod opportunities? I'm not a fuckin' guinea pig for you to poke and prod."

"I'm aware. Unlike the company, I have maintained my ethics. I'll send a dummy report upstream showing you as a Class D human and let them know we released you back to the surface. Unless, of course, you are interested in volunteering to join the project. There certainly are benefits to the treatments that we offer here at my facility. Plenty have volunteered and never regretted the decision. After all, you only get one life. Why not live it to your fullest. We certainly have changed that definition here at Congo," Slezak replied matter of factly.

"You mean make me into some kind of a freak ass mermaid like the guys that pulled me from the channel? Is that your "enhancement" of the human experience? Is that what you want me to volunteer for? I mean....... " Evan trailed off momentarily as he considered the possiblity and then resumed, "I mean I do like to swim. That's the reason I'm here in this bed now. My Lily and I- we love to swim the channels together."

"Well, for one thing, it's a more complicated process than you have insinuated with your emotion laced remarks, so easily dismissing a lifetime of research, study and execution of cutting edge scientific experimentation as if I was Dr. Frankenstein. It's much more than the dumb stupid luck of a lightning strike to create an enhanced human. That I can assure you. And even if you did decide to volunteer, there's no guarantee you would be admitted to the project. We only accept the most gifted, brightest, athletic Class A humans for the project. I'm not sure from my initial inspections that you would pass the physical tests that we require to speak nothing of the mental fortitude required," Dr. Slezak did his best to sell the opportunity to Evan despite his regret at the most recent revelation from Bellamy that he is still on the hunt for his literal mythical "unicorn" still. He assumed that was a notion that he would have moved on from by now. But apparently not. And he had sent Lily to facility 4 thinking it would be her best opportunity to get back to health and eventually back to the surface. He now realized that he may have sent her to entirely different destiny. Especially, if she shows any inclination at all of volunteering for the project.

"So Doc? Can I get released from these constraints already? You know I'm not leaving here without Lily?" asked Evan.

"Of course. I'll have the orderly come in and get you set up and more comfortable. The restraints were for your own good. If you would have tried to escape, I would have no choice but to have the twins chase you down and bring you back. And the twins don't always bring things back in one piece" Slezak stated plainly.

"What are the twins? Wait, do I even want to know? Wait- what about Lily? You promised me you would tell me where she was as long as I played along in your little game with your boss. I did my part. Where is Lily?" Evan's voice started to rise in anger as he remembered that he still didn't know where she was.

"Ah yes. The deal. We definitely did make the deal and I thank you for that. While the orderly comes to get you as comfortable as possible, I'll go and get the latest info on Lily for you. I can tell you now that she is no longer here at this facility. As you just heard from Bellamy, he's on the hunt for female volunteers with a hunger that I was not fully aware of at the time we made the decision to transfer Lily to facility 4--I realize now that that decision may have been a mistake if Bellamy and his inspectors are now truly suspecting that your LIly did survive and is alive. It's quite unfortunate actually" Slezak's voice trembled as he finished his sentence.

"What's so unfortunate? Where and what is facility 4? How many of these places do you monsters have?" Evan asked angrily. His worry and fear had been temporarily subdued by Slezak's revelation that she was still alive, but now that was passing. Evan knew that he would have to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. But he knew he would need Slezak's help to make it happen and to apparently safely avoid his twins.

"Facility 4 is just like this one except they are specially equipped and focus strictly on female humans for enhancement. They are after all, the more fiery breed of human. At least, that's what our research has found. And how many facilities we have is always changing at Bellamy's whim but we currently have five that are operational. Each facility built and focused on enhancing a different aspect of the human experience. Here at our facility as you have seen, we are focused on aquatic enhancements," Slezak stated with great pride in his voice. "My advice to you today, young Evan Schreiner, is you stop being angry with me and my team. I'd expect at some point to hear you say thanks for saving you from the chaos of your up top world. Your anger should be placed there."

"Trust me, Dr. Slezak. I have anger plenty for those assholes, for that city, for that world. But I got plenty left for whatever the fuck this place is, whoever the fuck your team is and the only goddamn thing I want you to hear is this: Get me healthy and get me the fuck to Lily. Then I'll tell you thanks............for not being a complete asshole. But we aren't there yet. Are we?" Evan finished his sentence and closed his eyes momentarily. He knew he needed to calm himself down because he didn't have the proper leverage in this moment, in this place, he reminded himself again that he needed Slezak for now. He re-opened his eyes and started to speak again but Slezak had already left the room. 

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