Chapter 20

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James's POV

Once Lily was sleeping I went to mine and Sirius room. As I entered the room Sirius was already on bed waiting for me. I got under the bed sheets and turned off the lights and herd Sirius bed moving.

"Prongs what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"I don't know where but Lily I'd going to take me out and see how muggles live."

"Ha good luck. I won't be with you I will go and see Marlene if that's okay with you."

"Fine by me. Night."

"Night." That was the rest of Sirius as he started snoring rather loudly.


I woke up to the sun rays and went down stairs and smelled bacon and hot cakes. Rosemary was making coffee when she turned to me and smiled.

"Good morning James. Would you like some hot cakes?" I nodded my head. "Well these a batch coming up, could you please go and wake up Lily. Just a heads up, she doesn't likes to be woken up." I smiled and went up the stairs to Lily's room.

I knocked on the door but there wasn't a response. I opened the door ajar and peeked inside. On the bed was my sleeping beauty with her flame red hair spiraled all around the pillow. I got near her and nudged her and turned to the other side.

"Lily, wake up." I tried again and she responded something like 'five minutes mum.'

"Come on Lily there's hot cakes and bacon waiting just for you. I pretty sure they will like be eaten by you. Mmm delicious covered in fat bacon. And hot cakes filled with honey and wiped cream. You know if you don't eat them they will get cold and I will most likely eat them." I tried in a cooing voice.

Well if that didn't worked her up I guess this is only left for me to do. I leaned down to her sleeping face and kissed her lightly on the lips. She opened her eyes and when she was about to kiss me back I backed away.

"You know maybe you should wake me up more like this." She smiled.

"Of course my love. But later right now let's have breakfast." She pouted and went into hibernation pulling her covers up to her head. I sighed and my last idea to get her out of bed didn't work I don't know want I will do next. I pulled my wand and said.

"Aguamenti!" Water pored from my wand to Lily and left her sitting her and spitting water everywhere. I grinned to myself. "Well know that you are fully awake let's go and eat some breakfast." She nodded and stood up. We were walking down the hall when something wet got me from behind hugging me.

"You know I don't like waking up; in any way!" She mumbled into my now soaking back.

"I know, and your mum warned me. Come on let's eat and then clean up so we can do muggle thing." And we did as I said. We ate breakfast with Lily's mum giving us a weird look for being drenched in water, showered and got ready to leave the house.

"So where are we going?" We were walking down the sidewalk holding hands.

"Well, some things muggles like to do is go to the cinema. It's like a huge screen that has pictures moving, like pictures in the wizard ring world, but these last longer, tell a story and has sound."

"Sounds like fun. Let's go." Lily side apparated me since she only new where the cinema was located. We chose a random movie and I tried to pay for it, but seeing as I didn't had any muggle money Lily payed for it. Girls were giving me looks and I felt Lily holding more to me and throwing them daggers. I know I'm a god and Lily knows that I am just and only for her, but I still like her showing that she cares loosing me.

Once we entered the a room filled with seats in rows facing a huge screen and had chosen our seats the lights went off and the screen turned on and the movie began. I was so interested in the movie and munching popcorn, something I had never eaten, that Lily felt asleep on me. How could she sleep through such an amazing movie? As the movie's tittles began I woke up Lily.

"Did you enjoyed it?"

"Yeah, wow this was amazing. I don't understand why some wizards and witches don't like muggles. They are pretty impressive and intelligent. So now what are we doing?"

"Well I was thinking that we could go to a convenience store and buy you some muggle food for you to try." I nodded and we began to walk to the store. As we entered the doors they opened by themselves! Was there magic here? I know if you have to open something you would say 'alohamora' and I clearly know that nobody said 'alohamora'! What what was going on people?

"Um Lily the doors opened by themselves, how?" Lily started to laugh. Was this something normal for muggles, to just walked and doors opening just for you? I know in the wizard world they do but we have magic!

"Oh James, these doors are opened with a sensor that uses electricity. There's no magic just technology. Trust me they won't hurt us." We walked together through the doors and grabbed a car. I still don't liked those doors. We walked down isle be isle and Lily was just grabbing stuff and placing it in the car. 'Candy', 'soda', 'nuggets', she kept on saying. We were in line to pay when a boy around our age looked at our way.

"Lily Evans?" She turned away and looked at the boy. He was a little shorter than me by just five centimeters, brownish hair and brown eyes and hugged my Lily!

"Travis! How have you been? It's been a long time since I have seen you!" Mhm so his is name is Travis.

"Yeah we need to catch up. I wanted to asked you do you want to go out with me sometime." Oh hell to the no. That's when I decided to make myself noticeable.

"Hi I am James Potter, Lily's boyfriend." I placed my had on Lily's waist tugging her closer to me and with my other hand stretching for him to shake. He looked up at me and finally acknowledge who I was and shook my hand.

"Hi I and Travis Donald. I am a friend of Lily."

"Well it was nice seeing you Travis we should go so I can show James some things. Bye!" They shared a quick hugging but he grabbed her hand one last time and whispered something in her ear and kissed her hand much to my dislike. We payed and grabbed the grocery bags, walked a few blocks and apparated to a park.

"So who is this Travis, what relationship did you two had, what did he said to you and why did he kissed your hand?" I said all in all a breath and we site down on the blanket and placed a warm charm around us to keep us warm.

"Well Travis is and old friend before I know I was a witch. We used to go to each other houses, played with me and I think that's it for your relationship concern. When he pulled me again he said for me to leave you and go with him. Since we were little he had a thing for me but I only saw him as a friend. And as for the hand thing I hated it and I only want for you to kiss it." She said giving her hand to me and I kissed it and pulled her to my lap.

"Are you hungry?"

"Of course I am hungry, but not for food." I started kissing her and she ended up below me. I licked her lip for some entrance which she gave instantly. The kiss became more fiercely and more hungry. Lily's eyes oped with a start an stopped kissing me pulling me off of her.

"James! We are at a park! People could have seen us!" I just laughed and grabbed a bag filled with muggle candy and chips. Lily told me to try the coke and I enjoyed it. These were the few moments we could enjoy together without OWLs or a guy with a face of a snake breathing on our necks that count. I am so willing to do this once all of this craziness is done.

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