Chapter 3: Christmas Shopping

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*Emmy POV*
"What store are you heading to?" Phil asked me, having to mostly bend down in order to look at me. I smiled at his consideration.

I told him the name of the store and unlocked my phone, showing him the map.

"That's not far. I know that shopping centre. There's a Starbucks next door to that shop."

"That's wonderful," I smiled, tucking my phone into my pocket, "Thanks Phil."

"Of course! There might be a lot of people there once we get closer, though."

"Oh," my head sunk to the ground where I adverted my eyes from him. I really didn't like crowds. In fact, large amounts of people practically freaked me out.

"What's the matter?" Phil asked casually, not sounding too concerned.

I smiled, "Nothing, nothing at all. Sorry. I just spaced out."

"Alright. Let's get going then. This way."

I realised I successfully convinced him that nothing was wrong, and I exhaled in relief.

Phil lead me the opposite direction as where I was initially walking, so I knew I obviously and completely walked by the place. I took the moment to realise the situation I was in. I hadn't seen Phil for years. He seemed friendly, and I was surprised he noticed me, really. I hadn't changed physically much, but Phil had a completely different life now. I thought maybe I would be forgotten, but I was entirely relieved I was not.

Of course, now that changed everything.

As Phil and I walked, beautiful, uniformed buildings towered above us, all bright white. I looked around as I walked, which slowed me a bit down. I could never stop admiring London. It was one of the few big cities I'd ever been to, but it was the prettiest by far.
"Have you been to London before?"

Phil looked back at me, slowing his pace as I trailed along in the back. He must've recognised me staring at everything. I realised I must've looked like a tourist.

I blushed, "Only about three times, excluding this time. Mostly for shopping, sometimes with the family."

Phil tried to walk backwards to walk beside me, but almost ran into someone who tried to walk around me. He apologised. I tried not to laugh, but giggled a bit under my breath.

His pale face turned slightly pink and he smiled a small smile, noticing my laughing. He returned to the previous subject, "I love London," he said, "What do you think of it?"

"It's pretty nice," I spaced out for a bit, hearing our feet on the pavement, "There's so much to do here. The city's also pretty old and historical. It's pretty." It was also pretty large for me, really. And there were too many people. I didn't mention it though. I hadn't seen Phil for years. I didn't want to complain and leave a bad impression.

"That's very true," he said. "It's also easy to get lost in. I have a couple times. I've gotten very used to it though."

"Well that's good," I smiled.
Along the pavement, the groups of people became larger and I could tell we were nearing the shopping centre. I gulped and made sure to breathe.

"Here," Phil said.

I snapped out of panic mode, "What?"
I realised he was holding his hand out to me, "So we don't get separated. You know how stressed and busy everyone is during this time of year."

"Oh, right," I took his hand in mine, and felt the warmth of his soft hands. Warmth spread through me like a wave.

We weaved through the crowd. Phil walked in front and I traveled along connected to his hand by my own in a strong grip.

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