The Three friends and Ette

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The three friends, Anusha, Avani and Haris are here to solve a mission. They have three magical powers, which they got from their first mission from the talking cave. Anusha has water, fire and animal power. Avani has ice, plant and teleportation power. Haris has gold, camouflaging and an in-mind library. He has to find a book which is in his mind and it will appear in his hands. These three friends have to stop evil in this book. Will they make it? Will they defeat the evil force?

Chapter 1


We, me, Avani and Haris took a walk in the woods. It was beautiful, with the sun shining on the trees. Just when I was about to say "We have not got a mission to solve", the cave appeared and said "Hide! Fast!" We went inside the cave and with the help of Haris's power, we camouflaged. After a while, the cave whispered, "You can come out now". We came out and Avani asked the cave "Who were you hiding us from?". "Yeah, what was that about?" asked Haris. "I was hiding you from Ette" said the cave.

Chapter 2

Who is Ette?

"Ette? Who is Ette?" I asked. "An evil force of energy who is eager to take all your powers is Ette" said the cave. "All the three of you need to go home now, now that you know what is behind you. Never come out until I tell you to". "How long will that take?" asked Avani. "Um about that......." said the cave. "She asked you how long does it take?" said Haris with his eyebrow up. "Well, maybe forever, if somebody does not defeat her..." started the cave. "FOREVER?!?" I asked with shock. "Yeah, but if you defeat Ette, it's not a problem" said the cave. "We will defeat Ette!" said Avani. "Yeah! I cannot stay at home forever! I'll go crazy!" exclaimed Haris. "Yes, please tell us the way" I said eagerly. "If you are confident, then I'll show you the way".

Chapter 3

The magical library

"I'm not that sure, so, you need to go to the magical/ancient library to find out" said the cave. "Where is it?" I ask. The cave smiles and says "C'mon library, come on now, tell us how to get in, tell us how". A paper appeared before Haris. He picked it up. "Make me happy, Make me sad, Take me to this wonderful land" he read. "Chant it" said the cave. So we chanted it. "Make me happy, make me sad, Take me to this wonderful land". We held each other's hands and blue swirls swirled around us. We said it faster and faster and poofed. The place turned into a dark room. I felt detached.

Chapter 4

Finding the book

When I opened my eyes, I saw that my left hand was on the right, and my right hand was at the left, my nose and mouth were below my hands and my legs were above my head. The mouth screamed [my mouth]. Haris said "Oh dear. You're detached". "I can SEE that" I said. "Avani was detached too. I fixed her up. I was the only one who wasn't detached" he said. "Can you help me?" I asked. "Yes" said Haris. Then he put me in the right way and he said a spell which I couldn't understand. I felt good. Then I stood up, thanked Haris, and asked him how he knew the spell. He said "Book power". Then I saw Avani, who was laying against the wall. Suddenly, I felt warm and in the dark room, something moved and turned the lights on. That "something" was Haris. He had pushed a button to turn them on. Anyway, all around us was the biggest library of the thickest books. I gasped and so did my friends. "How in the world are we going to find a book in all of these books?" asked Haris, alarmed. "We have to work together on that" I said. I created a bunch of animals to search and Avani put her hand up and plants from every corner came and went off to search. But then some idea hit me. "Haris! Book power!" I said. "Book power? What book po - oooohhh, ok, I'll give it a try" said Haris. After a while, he said "No books about Ette. What's the use of book power if you don't have a book?" "Come on! Search again!" said Avani. He frowned. Then he closed his eyes and wrinkled his forehead. After a while, he said "No luck". I groaned. Then we all went off to search. I couldn't find it. "Hey look!" said Haris. "We are in a book! It's called The three friends. And every single word I'm saying now is being written or typed right now!" Me and Avani gathered around Haris and saw the book. It was cool. Then I asked Avani if she had found the book. She shook her head. Then I asked Haris. He to, shook his head. "Where could it be?" I wondered. I called my animals. They all shook they're heads. Avani called the plants and they swayed themselves, as if they were saying no. I looked at Haris. He looked at me and said "No. Anusha, no! I won't search again!" "Please?" I say. He looks grumpy and then he said "Fine". Then he closes his eyes and after a while, he said "I found the restricted section in my library, but I don't think I should go". "You should. You have to go. In fact, you can go because it is your library" said Avani. "You are right; I should go" said Haris. After a few minutes, he smiled and a book appeared in his hands.

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