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Amelia, Flora Mamoon and Finn are different chapters of the same book. All of them had a different life, problems, insecurities but when they cross each other's path everything changes. 

Amelia, it's not wrong to say that she enjoys all the benefits for being the youngest one in her home but that doesn't mean she is a spoiled girl who wears high heels and tight skirts or isn't used to rejection. She knows there are circumstances for everything, everything we do, everything we say.

Flora, being the youngest among 2 sisters and 3 brothers who always keeps an eye on her craves for freedom. She has desires and plans which are getting more and more seeing her friends having a perfect life, all she wants is to be like them. She didn't want to be treated like a child in home or anywhere. 

Mamoon, growing up in a messed up family he doesn't remember when he started drinking alcohol and before he knew he was a drug addict. All he wants is an escape from life, from the problems life has put him into.He thought using these things was the only way he could get some relief from his worries and family problems.

Finn, he is cute, he is charming and he has everything most people wish to have. Money, Friends, Girls, Basically everything. He does whatever he wants to. Everybody wants to be the part of his luxurious life but not everything is how it appears to be.

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