Let's Talk

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Song:- A whole new World by Zayn Malik and Zhavia Ward. 

Quote:-" Every New Friend is a New Adventure... The start of More Memories"

Amelia's POV:-

"Oh so that's what happened" flora said. We were on call and I was telling her the whole story about Mamoon. Back at school when they asked me about him some class fellows came and we couldn't talk. But I didn't expect her to call and ask me about it, I didn't know she was so desperate  to know about him. 

"Yes that's what happened." I replied to her. We talked for a while before Evelyn called me.

"Amelia, Dinner is ready" Evelyn called me from  downstairs. We have a small two stories house in a not-so-famous street. There is a small Living room, a dining area with kitchen, Laundry area and a study room on the first floor. On the upper floor we have three bedrooms, Mom and Dad have the master bedroom, I and Evelyn share one room and the last room is for guests. 

After having dinner I came back to my room. My room is the place where I feel most comfortable, this room is the quiet place where I sit and have all my crazy thoughts, whenever I am upset I just sit here on my bed for hours and relax, this is the place where I dance and sing like a maniac, this is the place where I soothe myself at times, in short this is the place from where my day begins and where my day ends and I spend most of my time in here. This room has 2 single beds and there is a small side table between beds. Both beds and table are white wooden,and there's a lamp on this table, there's white and gold wallpaper which feels sophisticated, and on Evelyn's choice we have  turquoise colored curtains, In front of our beds there's a dressing table, a chair and a mirror but we don't really put anything on that table except for a hair brush and perfume, on side of dressing table we have a six drawer in which we keep most of our makeup related things, straightener and Evelyn keeps her painting things.In front of window we have 2 comfy chairs and there are many pictures hanging on the wall above our beds and on right side of the beds there's a small closet.

It was the first day of school so there wasn't much work to do so I just went through tomorrow's schedule and packed my things accordingly. I was listening to songs when Mamoon texted me "Hey, Are you free?"  Maybe he wants to listen Music together, That's what we have been doing all week.

"Yes, I am free and I am listening songs right now. Wanna listen?"  I replied.

"No I just want to talk." that's weird. 

"Okay. What do you want to talk about?" I don't know why he wants to talk. We decided that we will listen to Music together and nothing else. But I am a curious person so I asked him anyway.

"Can I call?" He asked. 

"Sure" Maybe he really need to talk right now. As soon as hit the send button he called me.

"Hey, what's up?" I said. 

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk." His voice is deeper than usual. In the last week I have talked to him a few times but today his voice sounds a lot deeper. 

"Are you okay?" I asked out of concern because he doesn't seen fine. 

"I am never okay. Okay is not a word for me. My life never gives me this chance to be okay." He spoke slowly and I don't understand what he meant but I am not the person who gives up easily, specially when its about my friends. Even though its only been a week but still when I care; I care.

"Okay then tell me what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Pretty much everything in my life is wrong." Again he spoke so slow. He sounds like Thomas Shelby from Peaky blinders when the character is in a drunken state. Oh shit is he drunk right now!  I thought. There were a lot of pictures on his Facebook account where he was holding cigarettes, In some pictures he was holding glasses of Bears or wines or I don't know what that thing would be, also there were pictures of him which looked like he's in a Bar or disco. I have only seen these kind of places in movies so I don't know what exactly were those places. Shit Am I in a mess? I asked Myself .

"okay Mamoon tell me something" I want to ask him if he's drunk right now.

"Ask away." This is the fastest he spoke since the beginning of call. 

"A-are you drunk- Right now?" I asked hesitantly. 

"We are on a voice call right?" That's not the answer of my question.

"Yes we are" I replied.  

"Then how do you know this?" Maybe anyone can tell that if they listen to him now.

"So you are drunk huh" I am wondering why in the first place I accepted to be his friend. 

"No I am not drunk, I was at a party so I just had a few shots." he took a pause and then said "I was bored so I just wanted to talk to you, Is that okay?"

"Sure." He decided to call me to kill his boredom it means he really needed to talk to someone and he chose me so I shouldn't abandon him.

"So where are you right now?" I asked. 

"On my way back to home." 

"Are you alone?" I asked. I don't think he should be alone if he is not in a right condition. 

"No I am not. You are keeping me company." 

"How far is your home?" I don't know why but I was worrying if he'll be safe. 

"I am about to reach." 

"Will your parents let you in?" I asked what I wondered. 

"No" he simply replied. 

"oh then how will you- " I was in middle of my question when he said "I have an extra key of my house"

"Oh that's great" I said.

"What if you lose your key sometime?" I asked out of curiosity. 

"Then there's always a window open." He seems fully prepared. 

"Wait a minute Amelia" He said. On the other side of phone I heard sounds of keys and Mamoon sighing every two seconds. He's probably struggling opening the door. 

"Hey" after a minute or two he said.

"Hi. Have you reached?" I asked dramatically. 

"Yes I reached my room. My safe place."He replied. 

"Okay. That's good. Do you have school tomorrow?" I asked and waited for a reply.

"Mamoon? Are you there?" I asked again because he didn't say anything. 

Again I waited for a few seconds but he said nothing. He probably has passed out as soon as he reached his room. 

"Bye Mamoon" i said and cut the call.

I hope I am not doing anything wrong. I hope I am not getting into any mess. That was the last thought that came to my mind before I went to sleep. 

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