Vampire Knight FANFICTION "Resonance" Chapter 12, Will the prince come in time?

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Zero stopped running, calming himself down. I need to try and remember everything I can about that guy. He threw his backpack on the floor, grabbing out his notepad and pen. "What did he look like..." He remembered waking up and seeing the two sillhouettes. When he approached them, he could make out some details of them. The boy had dark, brown hair and wore quite smart clothes. Most of the people Zero had come in contact with in the town wore much more normal clothes, so this man had to be of high importance. He also remembered one of the things Yuki had said during the fight. What did i do to deserve this Roko?! Zero wrote the name down. "Roko... maybe someone knows where he is?!" He closed his notepad, grabbing his bag once more and ran to the nearest house, banging on the door.

A man opened the door. "Can i help you?" Zero nodded. "Do you know anymore here named Roko?" The man smiled. "Sir Roko? Of course! He was the leader of this town before Lord Kaname arrived." The cold feeling began to lift as Zero began to uncover who he thought had taken Yuki. "Do you know where he lives at all?" The man sighed. "No.. no one knows of Sir Roko's house. He likes to keep private. Some people think he doesn't even live within this town, he just comes here during the day." Zero nodded, running off. "doesn't even live within this town" He decided he would check the town that was located just on the outskirts of this town. "Maybe he lives there so he can take his victims out of sight without them knowing..." He began sprinting into the forest once more, the seconds ticking away.


Roko placed a timer on the window seal infront of Yuki. "You have exatcly 30 minutes left for your prince to come save you until..." Yuki stared at him. "Until what..." He smirked, folding his arms. "It's a surprise, although im sure this surprise isn't one you will be too keen on." He walked over to the other side of the room, opening the door and walking in. Roko had turned Yuki around so that she had her back to the door. This meant she couldn't see what was inside the other room. He came back out a few minutes later, carrying the same scythe that he had used in the nightmare. When she saw it, she began to panic even more and her struggling increased. He sharpened the blade of his scythe. "The more you struggle, the tighter the ropes become." She growled, yelling at him. "IF YOU HURT ME, KANAME WILL KILL YOU!" He smirked. "Kaname is next, Yuki. He wont even be alive to kill me." She struggled more, despite the warning. "Just let me go! I beg you! Kaname and I will leave town and never come back! I promise!" He laughed at the idea. "Its too late to let you free now." She began to cry, her inpending doom edging closer.


Zero could finally see the neighbouring town in the distance. He began to run faster, although he couldn't keep it up much longer. Must... save.. Yuki The words kept running through his mind as he entered the town, running up to the first person he saw. "Do you know of a man named Roko?" The young woman shook her head. "Im sorry, no one by that name has ever been here before." Zero took a step backwards, trying to catch his breath. Where could he be?! He has to be here! There's no where else he could have gone in such a short amount of time! He began to search the town for him, depending now on looks alone. He scanned the face of every man that walked by and looked out of any houses that seemed unusual. No one fitted Roko's description. Zero swore as he began losing hope. Where is he! He was determined not to give up as he decided to knock on all the doors. After a few houses, he noticed a brown, broken down house in the forest a few metres out of town. Zero sprinted towards the house, reaching for the Bloody Rose which was in his backpack pocket. He kicked down the door of the house, but when he entered, the house was completely empty.

(Stay tunned for Chapter 13, Is this the end? )

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