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Who doesn't experience love? Love is the basis for all relationships.
Families are built on love.

This is a load of Bull.

I am (Y/N) (L/N). I have never once felt love or felt loved, at least how most people perceive love. I am a literal mistake, the result of a One-Night stand gone wrong. My birth mother detested me the moment I arrived. My father was never seen again. Apart of me wishes I never meet him.

Let's skip a few years, shall we? Picture this, a child the size of a large dog, alone in an empty, crumbling house. I never saw my birth mother after that.

House after house, year after year, not once did I feel welcome, the other children would hit me and blame me for everything. Not to mention the adults.

They wanted me to be the bad guy?


I'll be the bad guy.

Hi guys. So I decided to start writing again, and I feel really inspired for this story. Thank you for helping support this story. Updates will be slow, thank you for your patience

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