Portal Up

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Hoopa tries to see how far his portals can take him and his friends Celebi,Jirachi, and Victini "I don't think this is a good idea Hoopa" Jirachi said with a face of concern but the hoop drags the four into the golden ring.

Victini wakes up in a forest and can see four colored silhouettes through his blurry vision "hey are you alright ?" Said a faint voice says Victini rubbs his eyes to see a red haired girl with an equally red Cape on and a blonde,white haired, and black haired girl "who are you all?" Victini asked as he got up "Oh where team RW-" Ruby was cut of by Jirachi screaming "WHERE ARE WE,HOW DID WE GET HERE,WHAT HAPPENED TO ME ?" "Jirachi what's wrong ?" "Victini we are HUMAN" Jirachi answers,Victini looks at his hand and finds he has orange gloves on instead of fur "Oh sweet Arceus let this be a joke" Victini says face palming

After a long day of trying to figure out what is happening Celebi,Jirachi,and Victini stare at Hoopa in disappointment and Hoopa is just staring back while team Rwby are sitting by them "soooooooo how did you all get here" yang asked "Hoopa wanted to see how far his rings could go and now we're here" Celebi answered "well we might as well introduce ourselves " Jirachi sighs "right I'm Victini this is Jirachi that's Celebi and I'm pretty sure you know Hoopa by now" Victini stated "I'm ruby this is Weiss the one with the bow is Blake and the blonde is yang" ruby says with a smile on her face

You guys should see ozpin he can enroll you into beacon the four pokemon contemplate about that and agree to see the headmaster to join the combat school "hey Celebi ,Victini are you guys faunus'?" The pair Blake pointed had looks of confusion on their faces and glared at Blake "nevermind" the black haired girl said.

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