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Free! reacts to.....SHOUJO MANGA, requested by GraceAkane


Me: Okay, today we are not reacting to a video or food. Instead we got a request by a fellow viewer and you'll be reacting to this instead. *takes out a shoujo manga*

~ ~ ~

Haruka: What is this...?

Makoto: Is this manga?

Nagisa: Nooooo! I don't want to read!

Gou: *squeals* SHOUJO MANGA!!!!!!!!

~ ~ ~

Me: You guys have 2 minutes to read the manga. Enjoy!

Nagisa: Don't make me read!!! D:

Gou: Yes! Yes! Yes! 

Rin: *opens book* O_O SHOUJO MANGA?!?!?!

Aiichiro: Manga! Cool!

Momo: Awww. I don't want to read :(

< < < < < 2 MINUTES LATER > > > > >

< < < < < QUESTION TIME > > > > >

Me: That's 2 minutes! So how did you guys like the shoujo manga you just read ^_^

Haruka: ...we were suppose to read?

Makoto: *chuckles* I think it's romantic <3 :D

Nagisa: I didn't read ._. Why do we have to read ._.

Me: It's manga x.x Not a 700 page chapter book.

Rei: *tears up* It was so...so...beautiful :'(

Me: *hands Rei a tissue*

Rin: Ugh, when will we do something I like for once. I didn't even read it <.<

Sousuke: Ehh, it's not bad. But it's mostly for females...

Aiichiro: This is shoujo manga?! Well, not gonna lie, but it was pretty good.

Momo: *plays with book* I don't like shoujo manga :|

Gou: GAHHHH I LOVE THIS!!! The guy is so hot in this too!!! Those muscles... >w<

< < < < < RESULTS > > > > > 

Me: Well, I'm glad some of you guys liked it *sweat-drops* Would you recommend it?

Haruka: No.

Makoto: Yes.

Nagisa: No. 

Rei: Yes.

Rin: No.

Sousuke: Yes.

Aiichiro: Yes.

Momo: No.

Gou: YES!

Me: Gou you're actually the tie-breaker, haha xD

Gou: O.O :DDDDD C:

< < < < < FINAL THOUGHTS > > > > >

Me: So...any final thoughts? ^_^

Haruka: Yes, don't make us read ever again.

Me: D:

Makoto: I love romantic things <3

Me: :D *glomps him*

Nagisa: First off, I don't like these kind of stuff -_- Second, let's react to another video!

Me: But...but...

Rei: I love handling beautiful things like shoujo manga *holds up manga as a ray of light shines on him*

Rin: I honestly don't mind reading, but why can't we get some action comic or a horror book or something <.<

Sousuke: *shrugs* No final thoughts.

Me: ?!?! :O

Aiichiro: Is it okay if I borrow more of this volume? I want to read it at night :)




Haruka: I hope you guys enjoyed this...I know I didn't :|

Rin:  Please leave a vote and comment :)

Gou:  Next week we will be reacting to another music video! Woooo!!!

Makoto:  *reads script* We'll be reacting to a video and after that we'll be reacting to...FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S?! NOOOOO!!! WHY THAT?! NO FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S!!! Dx

Rei:  *continues reading manga*

Me: Psst!

Rei: Oh! What? Ah! BYE!!!

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