Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Everly Janeza Hilton and now I'm in a train going to visit my friend. I'm holding a cup of coffee and minutes passed by we were so cramped inside.  (I chose to commute so that I can feel the life of people in here.) By the time the train stopped halfway through the train conductor said sorry for inconvenience but by the next 15 minutes  we will gonna fix the tachnical glich. There's a loud groan heard from the crowd. But it's not just 15 minutes but it is almost 20 minutes when the train began to work again. On my right side was a man having a heavy underarm sweat it smells so foul. After 10 minutes I reached my destination.

I exited the train and was walking to the door and now my coffee had lost its lid. When a guy hit me and my coffee was spilled on my new coat. "How dare you hit me! Look of what you've done you spilled it on my coat!" I faced the guy confidently with an angry face while he looked at me irritated.  He saw my face and laughed at my expression. While I am here getting angrier and angrier he also laugh and laugh harder and harder.

I couldn't believe it. He is something though I  thought. He's so damn crazy he laughs like a pig.

I spend thirty minutes in the midst of the craziest subway ride, and now I have to deal with this? I looked last him angrily, I threw the rest of the coffee at him.

He stopped laughing. I smiled pleased and lifted my head haughtily and walked away. "Such a dumb ass" I spelled out. "Hey you Soulsucker!!! You can't scape from me Bitch!!!... I'll kill you to death!!!" A word came out from that asshole guy... "Try me if you can!!!" I shouted back and waved away...

I reached the house of my friend and pressed the doorbell. After sometime my friend opened the door and hugged me. She was really the sweetest best friend and I like her.

We were in the couch and I told Jasmine about my encounter in the subway. She always laugh when I told the time when the guy hit me and I got angry and spilled the coffee on him. She always request that I have to tell it again and again by the time she bored I gave a soft sigh "thank goodness she stopped" I said in my mind. And by 3 in the after noon I said goodbye went home.

Sorry guys if there is any wrong grammar or any wrong spelling in my story. That you very much for reading. See you on the next chapter!

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