Tape 1#

21 0 9



Is is working...?

...y-yes! It's working!




Hello, there, my future listener~
At this very moment, you are listening to the beautiful voice of the powerfull, handsome and talented Shadow in the world...!
...Drumroll pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeareyoureadyforthisssssssss????

*hit in the table*

AAAAAAAAAAND probably future super-mega pop-star OR emperor of the Light City OR the ruler of Shadow Realm. Or maybe all three of them. I dumno. I haven't decide yet.

Anyway, mom's now cooking the dinner for me, so I guess I have some time to talk. Man, it's sucks, that I can't reveal to her that I'm back, I mean, not yet! First, I have to get to know this environment a little better. I mean, this city is HUGE! I just saw a part of it, when we were driving back home from mom's workplace, but MAN! it's already giving me chills! Some many building that I can climb on, so many assholes to beat up... and girls! Ahhhh~ Those are, without any doubt, the best part of this city. They are so beautiful! I wonder what does a girls in my school looks like... I mean, I'm already in high school! Man, time is running so fast! It feels like a few days ago I was just playing in garden in our home in Hurricane with...




...mom is calling me for dinner...


It will be okay.
Tomorrow is another


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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