Chapter 10 - Surprise For Dinner

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"This won't be easy Camila..." Lauren warned her. In a way she was really glad that Camila was willing to help her, but she didn't want her to only think that's what she was only good for because she in fact really did like Camila.

"..and I don't want you to think that that's why you're standing here either... I actually.. really like hanging out with you," Lauren finished off.

"Well I mean, all you've seen me do is cry so I don't exactly know if that could be defined as hanging out," Camila joked whole-heartedly.

"I know.. and I'm sorry for bringing this all on you but I just.. thought you should know," Lauren told her. Camila spread her arms out and took Lauren by suprise when she hugged her. Lauren reciprocated the hug, gently rubbing small circles on her back.

"I'm glad you told me the truth Lauren.. I really am. I'll never get angry at someone for being honest," Camila said, letting go of Lauren. The two stood there for a moment before Camila felt something pretty heavy jump on her from behind.

Looking down, she saw a white husky sniffing her up and down, trying to get used to her scent until Lauren commanded the dog to stop.

"Rocco, usted sabe mejor que saltar sobre la gente! Sientese!" (Rocco, you know better than to jump on people! Sit!) Lauren commanded him. Rocco immediately obeyed her and sat down on the tile floor next to Camila. Camila bent down and started petting Rocco from the top of his to the middle of his back, smiling at medium sized dog.

"Esta bien Rocco, ya se que no te refieres a ella," (It's okay Rocco, I know you didn't mean it,) Camila whispered to him. His smile widened and next thing she knew, she felt Rocco's tongue slide against her cheek before he ran away to the living room, wagging his tail while doing so.

"You speak fluently?" Lauren asked, suprised at Camila. Camila stood up and wiped Rocco's saliva off her cheek with a napkin next to Lauren before answering her question.

"Yea I do. Spanish was actually my first language before learning English," Camila stated. Lauren opened her mouth slightly to say something before they heard the front door open.

"ALLY, LAUREN, MANI, DINAH! GUESS WHO'S HERE!" A woman with a British accent yelled coming through the door. Camila walked to the living room following Lauren and found Rocco happily jumping on the blonde woman who was now in front of them.

"Perrie! What's up girl? What are you doing here?" Lauren asked hugging the blonde.

"Do I always have to have a reason to come here? Jeez maybe I just wanna see you girls," Perry sassed her humorously. Lauren laughed and brought her in for a hug just for a moment before everyone turned their heads at Ally running down the stairs to greet Perry with a big hug as well.

"Wow I am feeling the love right now," Perry said hugging Ally. The two of them let go of each other while three more women walk through the door with bags that seemed to be filled with groceries.

"Hey girl where's everyone?" One of them asked. She too, had a British accent and Camila assumed that the other two did as well. "Who's this?" She asked once more.

"Oh I'm so sorry guys this is Camila. Camila this is Perrie, Jade, Leigh-Anne, and Jesy," Lauren said, introducing them to each other. Camila gave them a smile, shaking their hands, greeting them.

"Are you guys from England?" Camila asked our of curiousity. 

"Yea we are. We moved here because our boss hooked us up with really good jobs," Jade answered.

"Yea they're one team under the F.B.I." Lauren informed Camila. 

"Yea.. we're just all one crazy team under Simon.. our boss," Jesy said, making everyone laugh.

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