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       ━━━━━━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚ ━━━━━━━

           A black-haired male with round glasses slugged out of his apartment, loosely clutching the messenger bag which slung from his shoulder. The dark brown lines under his eyes were as visible as a failed attempt to put on edgy eyeliner. Unfortunately for Doyoung, he couldn't just wipe off the eye bags from a long night worth of hardcore studying. And on top of that, he had no makeup to conceal the imperfection.

          Typically, Doyoung tucked in his shirts. He often did this by pure habit every morning. He deemed it neat and well put-together. And secretly, it sort of bugged him when people didn't tuck in their shirts. . . Especially for formal occasions.

          But today, he didn't bother to tuck in his clothing. Instead, he had just thrown on a large coffee-colored sweater at 6AM, the time his wake-up alarm always rang. 

          But what was looking untidy for a day compared to getting the grades he needed to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor? This was only the beginning of his journey and he needed to start off strong. But someday in his academic curriculum, he would learn that no such learning could be achieved without a good night's sleep.

          As he rubbed his eyes while also letting out a yawn, he took the elevator down to the first floor of the apartment building, barely taking notice of the girl beside him who was also headed to the same class. With a ding!, the doors slid open and Doyoung passed the security desk without the usual morning nod. 

          Outside, the weather was quite nice for the 7AM gloom of fall. Birds singing to each other in the background created a sort of sweet white noise. There were the usual trimmed bushes into mini spheres in front of the apartment building, decorating the walkway to the main street. At first, when Doyoung first moved into the building, he thought they were rather luxury-looking. But after seeing them everyday, they just looked like balls of leaves. Maybe a fountain would spruce things up.

          But at the corner of his tired eyes, he saw something different about these bushes. Or—one of the bushes. Curious, Doyoung stopped by the third bush to the entrance gate on the right side of the path. A white paper plane was stuck in the leaves, poking out. Based on how crumpled and cold it was, it seemed to have spent the night there. 

          It wasn't like Doyoung was an extreme environmentalist since he still threw his empty instant ramen bowls into the trash, but a random piece of paper with no purpose but to litter did bother him. It bothered him enough to pull it out and crumple it until he passed by a recycling bin on the way to class. 

          Passing through the entrance gates and making a right to the academy, Doyoung realized that he had forgotten to check the paper plane of it's cleanliness. It really isn't that hard to not make a paper plane and let it fly loose, he thought as he unfolded it, checking to see if there were any unrecyclable contents on it. But what he saw was a note written in pen that wasn't addressed to anybody. The handwriting was rather uneven and not in the slightest bit in a straight line but it was still legible.

          "I hope this arrives to you safely. What do you like to get at the convenience store?" he read in a whisper to himself.

          Suddenly, it hit him. 

          The convenience store— the place where he had left the anonymous note for his crush yesterday. 

          It couldn't be! The thought struck as he remembered watching Taeyong take the note and buy a canned coffee.

          Having an unforeseen change in emotion, a smile formed on Doyoung's lips. He held the crumpled paper plane against his chest. A warm feeling fluttered in his insides. So Taeyong had replied back to anonymous. And the note had successfully arrived to the right person. He didn't think it would actually work. Well, he pondered it but decided not to spend the night dwelling on such a fantasy.

          So destiny is true, Doyoung thought to himself. Two people will always find each other.

          He had to test this theory more, just to make sure. Just to make sure that this wasn't simply pure luck. Or that he had intercepted someone else's letter (which would be awfully unfortunate for that person and for himself). And so, he drafted out the next letter he would send later today in his head, trotting down the sidewalk with the academy in view just a few more blocks ahead. Suddenly, he didn't feel so tired anymore.

" I like instant ramen, as every university student does. 

But a mango-flavored drink also makes my day. "

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