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"Josuke, what are you doing here?"

Standing at his girlfriend's door, wearing a blue windbreaker and jeans, despite the heat, and what looked like a new pair of sneakers, was the man himself. There was a single flower in his hand – which he had picked from a bush on his way here, but she didn't need to know that – and he gazed at her with a smolder. He leaned against the doorway, trying to look as inviting as possible, but his girlfriend laughed, covering her mouth to stop herself when her boyfriends pursed lips turned into a pout.

"I'm sorry," she said in between her fit of giggles, "I just haven't seen that face in a while. I was surprised."

Josuke sighed dramatically, throwing the flower behind him and pushing himself inside her home. "Not even a 'hello' after I've been gone for so long? I expected more from you, (Y/n)."

"You're such a baby, it's only been like four days," she scolded him playfully, smooshing his cheeks. "Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Should I kiss your ego better?"

Josuke perked up at the suggestion and nodded eagerly. He gripped her waist and pulled her close to him, her giggling as she gazed up at him. He dipped her slightly, slowly leaning in to press his lips against hers.

"Hey, none of that in here!"


Josuke flushed and turned to the voice, seeing (Y/n)'s mom standing in the hallway, an apron on and a wooden spoon in her hand. He quickly let go of his girlfriend, shifting awkwardly under her mom's gaze.

"Hello, Mrs. (L/n)," he said with a polite bow.

"Hi, Josuke," the woman said. "How are you? It's been a while since you've come to visit, we've missed having you around."

"I'm good, ma'am. I apologize for not visiting, I was... grounded for a while."

Mrs. (L/n) hummed, "I don't understand why Tomoko keeps grounding you. It's not like you got in a fight... right?"

"Oh, I didn't do anything bad!" he defended himself. "She got mad because I wouldn't do my chores. I've been slaving all week, doing laundry and cleaning dishes."

"Aw, you poor boy," the woman cooed as she pinched his cheek, pitying the young man. "Well, you came at the right time. I'm cooking up some fried rice, if you'd like a bowl."

Josuke was about to agree to the offer, but (Y/n) lightly tugged his jacket. He looked at the girl, her eyes shifting in a gesture for them to leave. "Um... actually, I'm not very hungry, right now. Thank you for the offer, though."

He bowed again before (Y/n) guided him past her mother. "I need to help him with some math homework, anyway," she fibbed with an innocent smile. "He's having some trouble understanding quadratics."

Before her mom could question them further, (Y/n) dragged Josuke to her room and shut the door. She turned on her radio and popped in a CD, turning up the volume so the sound of Prince's voice filled the room. She took out a textbook and some paper and tossed it on the floor. Turning her attention back to Josuke, who was sitting in front of the book with his hands in his lap, she sat down next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing contently.

"So, are we really going to study?" he asked suddenly.

"Wha- No, you idiot," she said, sitting back to look at him. "That was just an excuse."

"But you took out a textbook!" he defended himself, pointing to the abandoned book.

She stared at him, bemused as he stared back intensely. "I- you're really... Do you not understand that it's only out in case someone comes in? So, we can pretend like we're working, instead of, I don't know, maybe smoochin' a bit. It has been a while since we've had some time by ourselves."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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