New Relationships

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I had changed my classes so that I had dance in the morning.  And that my next period had James in it. As I was talking to my friend Matty, James walked up to me.

Everyone around kept making kissing noises because they all knew that I liked him.

"Rumor has it you have a crush on someone" James whispered in my ear. At that moment I almost died of embarrassment.  He had to know it was him, everyone knew it was him. Who else would it even be. He pulled me aside and we started talking until I realized it was 7:44, I was going t ok be late.

"I gotta go I'm going to be late."As I was walking away he yelled something.

"So you a good girl?" I turned back and made my eyebrows go up.

"No I just don't wanna be late" He didn't answer, until a teacher came by and almost saw us. He pulled me to his locker in the back of the school, we were all alone.

"So what class do you..."I didn't finish because as soon as I turned back to him he started kissing me. This was my first kiss, and I'm pretty sure he could tell.

"Your a good kisser" He said to me, I didn't say it was my first kiss. I didn't want him to know, it would be too embarrassing.  The bell rang. But we were Still kissing it felt good though.

"I don't usually do things like this" I whispered so no one would hear.

"I can tell" He said in a sarcastic way. "But I have to ask you something"

"Yea sure anything" I was anxious to know what he was going to ask.

"You wanna go.." He got cut off by the teacher who caught us.

"To the office you two"

We were in the Dean of disciplines office. He was right I was a good girl, I never thought I would be here on the second day of school year. That day we only got detention. But I already knew my mom would be pissed, but I didn't care, all I could think about was that kiss and his question.

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